Saturday 8th May to Friday 14th May 2021

Tue 11 SOTD
Cream MacaRoot & Aloe
Brush Yaqi 24mm Aqua Tuxedo
Razor RR G37 Slant
Blade Czech Astra Superior Stainless 3rd
Post & Aftershaves Alum + Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + MacaRoot Aloe Gel
Excellent creamy and slick lather with a pleasant light scent.
Shave with razor paired with the blade was good. Had a smooth and comfortable 3passes without any issues for a mostly bbs finish. Aftershaves were awesome!

SOTD : 11th May 2021.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears ~ Transparent Bar Soap With Mint Extracts. + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.
Brush: Anbbas 24mm Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Lather: Kent Luxury Shaving Soap.
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless. (D3)
Razor: Parker 24c.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals, Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Nivea Men ~ Sensitive Cooling PSB. /Brut Sport Style ASL.


Out of the four DE open comb razors i own and have shaved with the The Parker 24C i find the mildest yet efficient enough to give a close comfortable acceptable shave... Open comb razors have a reputation of been aggressive, they can be, but any razor can, which can be misleading to someone who has yet to shave with one i find them very smooth & efficient and match up really well with most DE blades, the only thing which i find you have to do with the parker 24C as with all the parker razors i own ,is to apply a steeper shaving angle to get the best shaving results.

A enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off a with a generous splash of Brut Sport Style ASL.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.
Though I have no problems using the original Raster handle, I shall try it with a more conventional one for my next Shave.
Work Zoom calls called for a next day shave and next in my rotation was the humble yet very smooth Weishi "Super Speed" 9306-C in gunmetal. This is based on the famous Gillette Super Speed design and like it is mild and comfortable.

With the Shark Super Chrome on its third and final use, I was able to get BBS with two passes except on my neck which required a couple of ATG passes, due to the mildness of the razor. But this was achieved with no irritation at all.

Haverford is an fantastic smelling soap and I made a slight error in choosing to use Tabac balm after the shave, which is a lot sweeter and more powerfully scented than the soap, so the delicate tobacco and vanilla scent was lost.

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Weishi "Super Speed" 9306-C
Blade: Shark Super Chrome (3)
Soap: Stirling Haverford
Brush: Yaqi Purple Haze
Pre-shave: PAA Cube
Post-shave: Tabac Balm
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Copper


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Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: Stirling Hipster
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Mysterious Space Tuxedo
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Gillette Blue (1)
Post: Superdrug Sierran Breeze ASL, Baxter of California Balm

With the Gillette Blue being the only unknown quantity in today's setup, it really was all about the blade. 2nd of the Gillette range sent to me by @gthe in response to my PIF pack offer recently, the first pass WTG was smooth, but pickup seemed poor. However second pass ATG kicked in and left a brilliant, DFS finish with little touch-up needed. Very, very nice - it felt less sharp than a Winner, but the finish was smooth with zero irritation and a lovely feel. The Baxter is growing on me - it just does what it should. At first it seemed to leave a film on my face, but after working further to massage it in on application it's giving a fine finish.
For future reference, can anyone confirm where the current Super Gillette Blues are made (I assume China), and how to order genuine ones in the UK? If I remember correctly these were near the top of the counterfeit blades table.


Pre: hot towel to the face, proraso green preshave cream
Brush: yaqi 26mm mysterious space tuxedo
Soap: deadseashave maelstrom
Razor: blackbland blackbird
Blade: personna platinum #2
Post: cold water rinse, Stirling glacial lemon chill

Another shave with personna blade - feels like its not as good of a match for blackbird - was a bit on a tuggy side but still delivered dfs+ shave in 3 passes. I think for next outing, I’ll use it again in Rockwell 6s R4
triple menthol kick again - went to bed too late and had to be up early ... so it was a nice wake up support.

Have a good day Gentlemen