Saturday 6th November to Friday 12th of November of 2021.

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Tuesday 9th November

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Arko Shaving Stick (Grated)
Omega Professional w/Blonde Boar 28mm
MARS Razor w/Number 4 Plate
Treet Platinum (1) SE
Gillette Fusion Aftershave Lotion

I dropped down a notch on the MARS plates, coming down from 5 to 4 and a different blade. Just the one plate down and it's a whole heap less chattery and a lot less edgy. Really, quite an enjoyable shave and really put me in mind of the Gillette Guard.
Wed 10 SOTD
Soap Ariana & Evans Peach & Cognac
Brush BOTI 26mm Fan Silvertip
Razor Karve Brass SB-D
Blade Rapira Super Stainless 1st
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Ariana&Evans Peach & Cognac Splash with some Frost Drops
Just an awesome scent from the soap!! The lather is nicely creamy and slick too...
The shave with the razor paired with this blade was superb!! Super smooth, effortless & comfortable. I mistakenly thought the blade may not be as efficient but ooooo surprisingly in 3passes without any issues I get a dolphin smooth finish!
Matching aftershave was terrific with some cooling effects...
And for this evening and this evening only, the theme for this shave was 'Portuguese man o' war and other shaving jellyfish'

Portuguese man o' war - Tatara Nodachi
Bloodybelly comb jellyfish - Feather
Narcomedusae jellyfish - Yaqi Dandelion
Hartley's Lime Jelly - Signature Soaps Londinium (non fish associated)

After some gentle enabling, a loan, more enabling with a PM of special offers from Tatara, parting with some cash, nearly divorcing my wife due more shaving crap, probably some more enabling and some time later a Nodachi arrives on the doorstep.

I was going to go with the Masamune handle, but decided on the longer offering. Other than that I wanted to put some distance between me and Mr Enabler, owner of some bloody Emporium or other down Plymouth way.

And mine is better

Couldn't get the cork insert out of the sleeve so I had to sacrifice the outer packaging to my disappointment. Must be a Portuguese sense of humour which just went over my head. Fortunately the contents weren't disappointing and I have to say these Tatara razors are nicely manufactured. More than can be said for the shit outer sleeve.

Some free(?) Feather blades so why not? Why not? I can think of one good reason why not the next time. Feather blades are great, but in the right (and usually mild) razor. They do wonders in say an 89 but in something with a more aggressive stance such as the Nodachi they just raise the ante too much. Yes, this was one good shave, close and fine, but a few too many stealth weepers. On the matter of jellyfish I did come out looking as if I'd just gone head to head with one.

Still you have to live and learn with these things.

A quick word for the Signature and Yaqi. Just the usual expectations and a wonderful pairing.

A splash of witch Hazel and colegen moisturiser to calm things down a bit and bring some happiness.

And I was just saying 'Albert you're a real twat'

From jellyfish to Puffer fish to Puffyshoes. Enjoy

SOTD 10-Nov

Brush: C&H 'Casanova'
Soap: NO Plunder
Razor: Blackland Dart
Blade: GSB (2)
Post: Cold Water and NO Plunder

Plunder and firefighter are polar opposites it seems, there seems to be a definite smokiness to the plunder, unsurprisingly seeing as they tout 'cannon smoke', but it isn't too over powering. I think this will be a good winter one. The Mrs may have something else to say but we shall see!

Nice 2 pass finish with the dart, so glad I managed to pick one of these up. Takes the edge off letting my R41 fly the coup!

Hope everyone has a grand day!


Lime jelly, don’t see it much these days. Quince jelly, now that’s a treat. You’ve got taste buds moving!
Wed 10th November

RR 400. SE- Plissoft noir
Williams Mug soap
Occams Enoch
Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink ( 2 )
Williams Aqua Velva A/S Lotion

As is often the case this Shave much better than the one with a new blade. Usually use a smaller brush on the Williams, but the larger one whipped up a tremendous lather which contributed to the comfort of the Shave.

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