Saturday 13th November to Friday 19th of November of 2021.

Tuesday 16th November

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Coty Avocado (Vintage) Shaving Bowl
Mohawk 5-341 w/PurTech Synthetic 22mm
MARS Razor w/Number 8 Plate
EuroMax Platinum (2) SE
DR Harris Pink Aftershave

So far ...

I started with 5. I preferred the 6 to the 5. I preferred the 7 to the 6. Going down the plates, I wasn't fussed about 4 but 3 delivered a mild, yet chattery shave but I found that 2 gave me a reason to use the milder plate as it delivered an absolutely foolproof shave where I could whizz the thing about with no concern for my safety but needed two passes, the second of which could happily be against the grain (something I literally never do).

Tonight, the 8 ...

... and things are starting to get serious. I would not consider the 5, 6 or even 7 as aggressive. Yes, you've to take care but with a light touch a single pass shave can be achieved with great success. What I particularly liked about the 7 was that in no way did I feel that I could slip into heavy-handedness and so danger, where with the 6 and certainly the 5 I could. Likewise, what I liked about the 2 was absolutely the contrary. Step that back up to a 3 or 4 and you get a mild shave but any slap-dashedness would be punished.

The 8?

I did not anjoy it as much as the 7. The 8 is where I would say "aggressive" starts and it was loud and it was felt like one of those razors that could nip you at any time. It didn't but it was not a pleasing, light touch glide like the 7.

Next two shaves will be the 1, simply for the sake of completeness; and the 9. Then the 10.
I thought I was on a Viz forum for a moment. Somewhere in the Finbar Saunders section.

View attachment 80201

Viz comic are brilliant. I had a subscription for them. I can remember watching the Fat slags video years ago, when either tray or San was lying in bed and farted. (you seen the arse twitch) I was in hysterics as was everyone else. I could not breathe for 5 minuites.
Fuck off you've spilt me chips, while getting a knee trembler. Classic.
I remember it well & it was
brilliant writing.
One of my favourites at that time was
Roger Melly The Man On The Tele lol
oh & Buster Gonad
Wed 17 SOTD
Soap Henri et Victoria Cognac & Cuban Cigars
Brush Yaqi 24mm Robin Clear Handle
Razor Yaqi DLC
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum 1st
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + HeV-CCC Balm
Mmmmmm...what an awesome aromatic scent from this soap! The lather is good enough...but the highlight is the scent..!!
Another cheap but highly efficient razor! Paired with this blade... outstanding result! Auto-easy & very smooth in 3passes for a bbs finish. Matching aftershave was lasting & super!!
SOTD 17-Nov

Brush: C&H 'Longtown'
Soap: P&B Spitfire
Razor: CB Karve Brass (E)
Blade: GSB (3)
Post: Cold Water and P&B Spitfire Splash

Good spitfire shave this morning, paired with the E plate resulting in an efficient 2 pass smooth finish. I remember when I first joined I asked if there were similar scents to spitfire, though good suggestions nothing quite hits the nose like this one for me. Think it's just that strong/distinctive that I can actually tell what it is!

Hope everyone has a cracking day!



Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: TFS Traditional
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Chianti Tuxedo
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Gillette Nacet (1)
Post: Akcay Kolonya

A shave consisting of overlooked items! I don't remember the last time a Nacet graced my razor, and it was bloody brilliant. The TFS produced an amazing lather, and the Akcay was spot on.
Definitely time to revisit Bigdealsmart and get me some more Nacets.....
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Pre - Shower, Cold water face rinse
Brush - Jayaruh #355 Maggards Knot
Soap - Stirling Soap co. Sandalwood
Razor - Focus R48
Blade - 0.5 Personna Platinum Super Stainless
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Proraso Red
A/S - Proraso Red

I still find this little razor confusing to use, although today was one of the better shaves i have had with it, applying pressure to razor does not feel natural. I really like the looks, the quirky workings of the head and it has given me a very nice close finish. I need to use it more so it becomes second nature. All in all very happy with that.

On a sad note, my little dog Max had to be admitted to the doggy hospital this morning with suspected Colitis, i really hope he pulls through. The vet looking after him is pretty confident so we have everything crossed for him.

Stay safe and enjoy your day All

I hope Max is Home and well soon.

This shave contained a very rare event, me finishing some soap! This was the final shave from this tub of TOBS Grapefruit which is of course the BEST scent from their range of shaving creams.

Luckily I happen to have stock in deep storage, after I bought some when a rumour flooded the shaving world, that it was about to be discontinued. A friend also gave me some as a present, so I am fine for probably another five years.

I enjoyed this shave with a razor I don’t often reach for the inexpensive Weishi "Super Speed" 9306-C, modelled on a Super Speed. The new Feather was a little rough, even though the razor is mild. The Grapefruit soap and the pineapple in the Aventus matched well

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Weishi "Super Speed" 9306-C
Blade: Feather (1)
Soap: TOBS Grapefruit
Brush: Yaqi Cavern Lake
Pre-shave: Bloom water
Post-shave: Creed Aventus
Bowl: Face lather
Wishing Max a speedy recovery