S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th February to Friday 12th February 2016

Route 66 Sea and Citrus
Doug Korn brush
Kai Captain Titan Mild (2)
Ogallala Bay Rum AS
Have fun!
Tuesday 26th February.


Soap: MWF.
Brush: Razorock 24mm Plissoft.
Razor: "Adolf" (Gillette ball-end English New RFB).
Blade: Voskhod (4).
Post: Boots tea tree & witch hazel lotion, Boots Freshwood Balm, Nivea Creme.

Decided to give the scuttle a rest for today and face-lathered instead. Two pass BBS but the Voskhod, despite being a great blade, makes harder work of my tricky area than Feather blades.

Still, face-bliss was achieved so no complaints. :)
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Kampfe Lather Catcher..:p

Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:
Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Kampfe Lather Catcher
CV Heljestrand Hollow Ground Blade
LeonHardy Pure Badger
LEA Tallow soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I almost forgot I had my Star/Kampfe Lather Catcher..I have used this a number of times with a Gem shimmed blade..I used it today for the first time with a Hollow Ground Job..These are fairly aggressive with a Gem blade but a lot milder with the original hollow ground..You just cant compare Like for Like because as that akin to comparing a Steam Train to a Diesel Train..They both get you there but that's where it ends..The angle on the Kampfe was pretty subtle..I was expecting it to be more Aggressive to be honest..I was throwing the Kampfe around about just as easy as a Modern Cartridge System..Very smooth & forgiving..It would be almost impossible to cut yourself with this set up..:p

The Kampfes were made in high numbers & sold all over the Western World..They were one of the mainstream safety razors of the day..No bones about that..The Kamfe Hollow Ground Blade combo sure is One Safe Safety Razor..Its as safe as a modern cartridge razor & maybe then some..I ended up with an Irritation Free Mixed DFS & BBS Result ..I had a really nice shave today..The Kampfe Lather Catcher just doesn't look anywhere near the Mighty CV Heljestrand..The Rolls Razor is Twice the Razor an All..I don't fall into the Camp that there is no better razor than another..Things can be close & thing can be just different but when there is a Wide Gap in Performance One Sure Wins Over an Other..Any body that wants to tread this path..The Rolls & the CV Heljestrand are up there..No Bones about that..:D

Kampfe Lather Catcher..:p

Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:
Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Kampfe Lather Catcher
CV Heljestrand Hollow Ground Blade
LeonHardy Pure Badger
LEA Tallow soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I almost forgot I had my Star/Kampfe Lather Catcher..I have used this a number of times with a Gem shimmed blade..I used it today for the first time with a Hollow Ground Job..These are fairly aggressive with a Gem blade but a lot milder with the original hollow ground..You just cant compare Like for Like because as that akin to comparing a Steam Train to a Diesel Train..They both get you there but that's where it ends..The angle on the Kampfe was pretty subtle..I was expecting it to be more Aggressive to be honest..I was throwing the Kampfe around about just as easy as a Modern Cartridge System..Very smooth & forgiving..It would be almost impossible to cut yourself with this set up..:p

The Kampfes were made in high numbers & sold all over the Western World..They were one of the mainstream safety razors of the day..No bones about that..The Kamfe Hollow Ground Blade combo sure is One Safe Safety Razor..Its as safe as a modern cartridge razor & maybe then some..I ended up with an Irritation Free Mixed DFS & BBS Result ..I had a really nice shave today..The Kampfe Lather Catcher just doesn't look anywhere near the Mighty CV Heljestrand..The Rolls Razor is Twice the Razor an All..I don't fall into the Camp that there is no better razor than another..Things can be close & thing can be just different but when there is a Wide Gap in Performance One Sure Wins Over an Other..Any body that wants to tread this path..The Rolls & the CV Heljestrand are up there..No Bones about that..:D

Another inspiring shave ... all very informative!
9th February 2016

Eucris Shower Gel
Wickham's English Rose
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Schick Golden 500 & Personna (2)
Two Pass - WTG (Slide)


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Rose of Bulgaria Aftershave
Van Cleef & Arpels Pour Homme EDT
Al Rehab Mokhalat Dubai (Wrists)
Pinaud Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic​

I'm going to have to call it a day with this Schick ...

It's gone from passable to bad, sadly, with me having to pull two passes to get what I would call shaved; one with the grain and one against to get to where I would with a single pass with a Gillette Trac II by way of example.

Alas, that against the grain pass has left me with a rash of ingrowers up my neck and so tonight I made just a single with the grain pass (with a slide) and there are patches that simply will not shave no matter what angle or how many times I go over. Against the grain, I can shave them but it's a heavy price to pay.

I'm going to put it aside for a few days to recovery and have another go with one of a generous number of blade types sent to me by @Fergiebilly. I like Gillette Platinum Plus, but experience is showing me that I can only get maybe three shaves from them; Personna I don't like. I have a good variety to try out, but it'll be in a short while.
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