S.O.T.D. Saturday 2nd January to Friday 8th January 2016

#2 of Speick week

Brush: VirginiaSheng Purtech
Soap: Speick stick
Razor: Star 1912 w Gem Stainless #2
Post: Alum wash - Alcolado Glacial / Duru Lemon Splash mix - Neutrogena Comfort Balm
Again applied to wet face and lathered this time with my VirginiaSheng Purtech. The lather just exploded off the face, adjusting the consistency with extra water. The scent of this soap I'm liking more and more. Great close and smooth shave with my newly acquired Star 1912.
Plisson EW 12
Barrister & Mann Le Grand Chypre soap and aftershave

The Blackbird gave me another great shave. It definitely feels like it could bite, but it hasn't. The Plisson has broken in so that any sense of scritch or prickle is very mild; the performance is outstanding. Of course the LGC is just a great soap, scent and performance. Yep, this was an excellent shave. Hope yours is/was as well.
SOTD Jan 6 2016.jpg
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Bulldog Face Wash
RazoRock Tobacco #1 Shaving Soap
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Ever Ready 1924 (Round Tooth) w/Red Horseman Swing Handle
GEM Stainless (6)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Novaya Zarya Russian Forest Cologne
Haramain Firdous Attar​
Wednesday, Jan 6th, evening.


Scuttle: Steve Woodhead Ceramics, large Suribachi.
Soap: Stirling Soap, Sharp Dressed Man.
Brush: Razorock 24mm Plissoft.
Razor: 1921 Gillette New Standard (New Improved).
Blade: Sputnik Teflon coated (1).
Post: Boots witch hazel & tea tree, Boots Freshwood balm, E45 moisturiser.

First time using this blade. It felt sharper to me than the Derby and 7 O'clock green but more comfortable than 7 O'clock yellows and Feathers. It was manageable.
First time using this soap too (one of the few PIF soaps I hadn't yet got around to) and it was great - no complaints at all.

Yet another very enjoyable shave. :)
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