S.O.T.D. Saturday 2nd January to Friday 8th January 2016

West Norfolk. UK

Saturday 2nd January 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Ever Ready 1912 Bathroom Travel
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue OC 2 Band
Soap: Proraso Red
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDP: Aramis Perfume Rose Calligraphy



Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Tim's Soap Greek Peach
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Feather (2nd)
Post #1: Mario Badescu After Shave Moisturizer
Post #2: Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturiser
Scent: La Nuit De L'homme by Yves Saint Laurent

A super Saturday shave even though its gloomy & wet outside!

Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue 2012 SE
Aristocrat Junior
Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
Indian Old Spice AS

Good shave, nice and smooth. One casualty however, my MWF is getting to the end and the now small puck has been spinning round in its bowl. I was holding the puck in my hand to lather and the damn thing snapped in half! Time to use as a shave stick or just grate what's left and press back into its bowl.
(we're raising money for the Flood victims of Cumbria attempting to climb 1million feet in January, this was my first contribution, only 2000ft, but it was a only a 19mile ride, so a lot of climbing in that distance! Wish us luck!!!)
OSP Grapefruit and Menthol
Whipped Dog 24mm Silvertip
Merkur 45c
Lab Blue [2]
Proraso Green AS
Maca Root Face Protector
Malizia Uomo Vetiver

Very close shaver is the Merkur, but it gives me a lot more irritation that the Hone I've previously been using. A few nick and weepers too. But I thoroughly recommended this lightweight razor it really is a cracker and punches well above its weight...
I little disappointed with the scent from the OSP, basically it was none existent. It was like one the previous test version. The menthol hit was very nice though and the lather superb...
Sat 2nd January 2016

Kent Infinity
OSP Bay Rum
Schick Golden 500
Personna S/S [ 8 ]
Alum Rub / Aqua Velva

Brilliant Razor/Blade combination for me. Even on 8th use, was able to get a first class shave with ease and no irritation.

SOTD - Saturday afternoon
Pre: Hot towels & Village Barber oil
Soap: Calani "Bay Rum" in Brad Sears custom bowl
Brush: Brad Sears custom mesquite 26/50mm 3-band Manchurian bulb
Razor: Wolfman WR1-DC w/WRH7 handle
Blade: PolSilver SI (1)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by UK Barbershop Bay Rum
Went full 'Brad Sears' today. Calani soap whipped up a nice thick lather. Putting a fresh PSI in the Wolfman was a great idea. Super-smooth 3-pass BBS with only one weeper under my neck.
Saturday AM 01-02-2016

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Shavemac Tortoise 2-Band Silvertip (25mm/46mm)
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/Delta Echo iKon Bamboo
Gillette 'Swede' (2)
Creed Himalaya aftershave (homemade)

The Shavemac is excellent, with good springy backbone and soft tips, and making lather quickly with the old BB soap.
First straight shave for months, I've no idea what compelled me!

I used my monster Shavemac and pinched it at the bottom which gave a much better experience but I don't really want to do that long term when I've got plenty of perfectly good brushes I don't have to do that with.
I used my Joseph Smith & Son wedge which in truth is in rough aesthetic shape but this razor from the latter part of the 1800's is a fantastic shaver. There is something about wedge razors that make them so comfortable, they do a lot of the work for you.
I was thinking as a side note with the affordability of the Gold Dollar razors for newbies that a starter razor really should be a wedge. They are heavier, far more forgiving and I feel are much smoother than the full hollow or extra hollow we all seem to start off with.
There is a lot of debate over the usefulness of pre shave oil, for me it is a lather killer and always has been. I tried it tonight again and the lather just thins out and dissolves. In the end I'm plenty happy with the 99% BBS and very nearly irritation free shave. My skin is a bit toasty and no more, it could be from the Trade Winds soap which I was quite impressed with but I'm using for the first time.
SOTD - Saturday afternoon
Pre: Hot towels & Village Barber oil
Soap: Calani "Bay Rum" in Brad Sears custom bowl
Brush: Brad Sears custom mesquite 26/50mm 3-band Manchurian bulb
Razor: Wolfman WR1-DC w/WRH7 handle
Blade: PolSilver SI (1)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by UK Barbershop Bay Rum
Went full 'Brad Sears' today. Calani soap whipped up a nice thick lather. Putting a fresh PSI in the Wolfman was a great idea. Super-smooth 3-pass BBS with only one weeper under my neck.
The Man makes some great bowl and brush combo's!
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