S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st November to Friday 27th November 2016


Shave & Scent of the day with:
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Special Edition Soap
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Feather (3rd)
Post #1: Mario Badescu After Shave Moisturizer
Scent: Chergui by Serge Lutens
Had the first shave with the Schick Type O this morning.

Short version:
Holy cow - this razor is amazing. Get one if you can, love it!

Long version:
Loaded up the razor with one of the vintage Schick twin injector blades that @Billyfergie 's cousin was selling a couple of months ago.
Lathered up some Jabonman Rosas soap with my new Fitjar 2233 brush (that is one super floppy brush btw and I am not too keen on how the handle feels in my hand. It lathered well but not sure it can ever work itself up to being in regular rotation. Next I'm gonna try the smaller 2190) and went to work...

I could tell already from the first stroke that this was going to be a great shave.
The rubberized/textured handle felt great and finding the correct angle was effortless and immediate (a opposed to the Type F that I had to struggle with quite a bit).
Completed the first pass (WTG) and it was a truly pleasant experience. The razor felt mild but took no prisoners as it mowed down the stubble.

Went back for a second and last pass (ATG) and I was in love. This razor. Is amazing. The feel of the handle, the efficient head and how easy it is to dial in made this one of the best shaves in a long time.

Short recap on gear used:
Schick Type O: 11/10. Amazing razor. In my s/sheet it is right now the second razor (out of 63 razors so far) that I've given a 9.5/10 (the other one is the Tradere OC DE razor).
Fitjar 2233 brush: Sadly, so far, a 4/10. A bit too floppy and the handle didn't feel comfortable due to the sharp, flared out base.
Jabonman Rosas: 8/10 Great lather and scent. Wish the lather was just a tad thicker and the scent a tad stronger but overall a great performer.
Floid Blue: Funny how things are. This one has climbed up the A/S ranks and is now probably my go-to A/S :)

20151125_190346-1.jpg Skin prep - Hot shower
Razor - Merkur Futur
Blade - Gillette green
Brush - LS Badger
Cream - T&H sandalwood sample
Post shave - T&H comfort balm

Going to use this latter part of the week to check which brush I prefer, the badger or the satin tip synthetic.

The cream did not have a strong sandalwood smell unfortunately and the comfort balm had no scent at all but does have a very decent post shave feel.
Minora LC NEW, Lab Blue
Hand-carved Beech Finest 2-band
Wickham's Club Cola
Benjamin Bay Rum
RSC Balm

Bit tender round the neck today, alas. I think this little fellow may have too much bite for me but will persevere nonetheless.
MWF with added Menthol..
Custom 24mm WD Synthetic
Schick M23
Schick NOS Super Stainless Krona [1]
Superdrug Moisturiser

Great shave, not quite as comfortable/smooth for me as the NOS Schick Twin blades; this is a sharp blade indeed and had to run at about 5 on the M23 for a comfortable feel.
Back to my EJ DE89 after a spell with the passaround R41.

Had to check there was an astra blade in it as I couldn't feel the blade.

Wickham rose lathered as usual with the Muhle synthetic and the shave finished off with Stirling Sharp Dressed Man balm.

After trying the new razor I can feel urges to expand my very small collection of razors, soap and aftershave balm.

Thursday 26th November 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Ever Ready 1924 Shovelhead
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue 2 Band
Soap: La Toja Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Grey Flannel


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