S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st November to Friday 27th November 2016

Schick Krona DE razor
MÜHLE silver tip fibre brush
Cella red tub soap
Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus blade (2nd shave)
Drakkar Noir vintage AS

I have never had a better shave than this combo. What a blade!!

Sunday 22nd November 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Merkur Slant
Blade: Treet 'Black Beauty' Carbon
Brush: Vie Long 2 Band
Soap: La Toja Stick
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Miller Harris la Fumee

First frost of winter overnight here in West Norfolk, the recent fresh growth on the fuchsias is hanging limp. Why, as I get older do I dislike winter more and more each year!


Because every winter means another summer gone and every summer gone means one fewer on the journey to the ever closer inevitable. Apart from that, it's harder and harder to stay warm and feel alive and not soft.

Do you get your £200 yet?
have been focussing on using up stuff so my last few weeks shaving have consisted of the same soap, a/s and balm - currently Speick, M+S Amber a/s and balm. I try to keep a razor in use as long as a blade life so my personna blade #8? #9? has been paired with my feather asd2. getting nice consistant shaves. Been using my bigger brushes to eat up the soap - have broken through to the bottom of the container so there's not long left with this set up!
Tim Soap "Breakfast of Champion "
Henckels Friodur
Shavemac D01 2 Bands
Kramperts Bay Rum
Etro Pachuli Edt


Rich and awesome scent, Coffee and brandy or cognac, maybe.., in the jar.
In the face with brush appears cigar, smoke, habano, very good Soap.
Sunday 22 November 2015


Mastro Livi "Rasoio Italiano" Stainless Damascus, 8/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point

I can't stop thinking how fabulous and stunning is this Mastro Livi stainless damascus razor. The blade, first of all. It is made of artisanal martensitic stainless damascus personally made by Mastro Livi in his laboratory, that is made of stainless steels suitable for hardening and tempering. You can in fact see both stainless steels are making the very sharp and super cutting edge, this is possible only in case the steel is totally hardenable. Secondly, the scales. They are a masterpiece celebrating Italy and Italian craftsmanship, of course made by Mastro Livi. Scales are made of black African ebony with a fossil mammoth ivory plate in the middle and two Italian flags at the sides. The flags are made of jade, white turquoise and coral. A flag made of three dots is also inlaid in the fossil mammoth ivory. Simply beautiful! As for shaving performance, the feeling of this Mastro Livi stainless damascus is pretty aggressive and deep, almost as aggressive as Damasteel, however giving a pleasing shave and, you know it, with an impeccable super smooth and velvety result. I am very proud of this razor, not just because it is "Italian artisan made", but also because I personally watched its making.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: XPEC Original Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Frank Shaving Synthetic Hair Brush - 22mm knot
  • Bowl: Bamboo Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi "Rasoio Italiano" Stainless Damascus, 8/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Pino Silvestre Classico
Edwin Jagger DE89
Weber Bulldog Handle
Gillette Silver Blue
Simpson Tulip 2 Two Band
D.R. Harris Windsor Shaving Soap
D.R. Harris Windsor Aftershave Milk
Carl you are right I am sure it's not the inevitable march of time it's that I really feel the cold, I am 66 years old, not that old really but my bloody feet; other than when I'm in bed, are cold from November until May and I keep the house toasty warm! I have through the years owned every type of thermal sock known to man, none of them seem to help. I am also sure the low light levels generate a feel of general hopelessness not helped when I return from the Canaries late every November having worn flip flops and little else for a couple of weeks.

Anyway I sound like a whinging old bastard, which really I am not, I have everything to be thankful for, I just dislike f***ing winter!

Regards and stay warm
Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Fatboy @ 5
Blade - Feather Hi-Stainless (#3 and out)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

Introduced the Fatboy to the Feather today. I was quite sceptical given the weight of the razor as I've only used them in lighter tools before, such as my beloved Fat Handled Tech. I took it very easily and actually had it set at three on the first stroke but I quickly realised it needed a little more exposure if I was to finish with anything but BBS. No worries from then on, with the exception of the smallest nick on my bottom lip.
Nice thick lather once again, and the usual fantastically clean feeling one gets from a truly great blade.
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