S.O.T.D Sat. 8th Dec. to Frid.14th Dec. 2012

Lose the beard said:
mattyb240 said:
Pre marriage proposal shave! Tomorrows the big day!

Proraso white pre/post
Proraso white soap
NF Tubby 1
Weber DLC/UFO U2
Profs ASB

Nice smooth refreshing shave ready for a long day tomorrow. Wish me luck folks.

Good Luck, hope it all goes well.

+1 hope the answer is yes ;-)
possumbelly said:
Just found the sight and joined up. Ditched the old Mach 3 and the Philishave electric and am loving my new wet shave routine. Going 3 weeks now. Still refining my supplies and technique. Great fun experimenting.

2 day growth - Leisurely Sunday. Plenty of time!

Prep: Shower, Proraso Pre/Post, Hot flannel
Soap: Proraso cream menthol
Brush: Vulfix Super Badger
Razor: Merkur 33C
Blade: Feather
Post: Cold splash, Thayers Original Witch Hazel
Finish: GFT Extract of Limes Skin Food

John. Melbourne, Australia

Hi John welcome to TSR

Sunday 9th December 2012
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Micromatic Clog pruf
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Vulfix 406 Boar
Soap: Tabac
Aftershave: Wilkinson Sword Sensitive Balm

A super shave with a super razor.

Prep L'Occitane Cedarwood soap
Razor Wade & Butcher 6/8
Strop Kanayama Cordovan # 8000
Brush Simpsons M7 LE Finest Silvertip
Mithchell's Woolfat
Alum & Witch Hazel
Una Brennan Neroli Moisturiser
L'Occitane Baux Edt

A perfect start to my Sunday morning, a two pass super smooth finish from the Wade & Butcher.

Edwin Jagger DE87 Octagonal (wife's razor)
Personna Platinum Chrome with a double shim
Omega 27mm boar knot
Williams Mug Soap
Professor Blighty's English Pear aftershave balm
Professor Blighty's Coviello aftershave as cologne

First shave without my JEC handle but my wife's octagonal EJ did really well once I'd adjusted to the shorter length and lesser weight.

I actually have a barbershop style handle carved from cherry made for the Omega boar knot but am waiting on the right size of Forstner bit arriving so I can drill then fit it.

The Williams mug soap was a struggle to face lather at first but when I applied a bit more pressure than usual it soon sprang into life and provided a shave not unlike Mitchell's Wool Fat so I was pleasantly surprised. If I lived stateside I could happily use it regularly based on this result.

When the Prof. released his new range, I couldn't wait to try his English Pear aftershave balm so promptly ordered some. When it arrived, I applied a little to my cheek and it felt amazing with a lovely scent to boot. However, when I used it after shaving it really gave my skin a burn and left my face irritated for most of the day. Now, call me an idiot but I've only just realised that I need not use an aftershave splash before applying the balm and since then the Prof's stuff has been fantastic! I get an initial slight burn as I rub it in but this quickly fades and leaves my skin feeling smooth and silky without any greasiness at all. I can't believe it took me so long to work this out or that I didn't know this in the first place! I wish I'd just PM'd the Prof. at the time and sought his advice. It's great just having to use the one product now and with a scent that although quite sweet, is really lovely. Perhaps a tad feminine but not overly so. The scent of the Coviello, however, is a little too floral for me so once the roof is finally sorted, I'll be investing in some more of the Prof's English Pear range including the cologne.

Love these Personna blades and the service from Connaught is just the best.
Sunday 9th December

Hot shower and Facial Scrub
Proraso Sensitive Pre/Post Cream
Dovo Olivewood 5/8 in SS
New Forest Tubby 1
Nannys Cedarwood & Vetiver Soap
Lucky Tiger AS/Toner
Organic Shea Butter
Yardley Citrus & Wood Edt
Morgans Classic Pomade

Another close and comfortable shave. I am off on my travels this afternoon and have yet to decide if I should pack a couple of GDs and a strop or just use a Shavette type. Anyways....I won't be checking in much until Friday.
First contribution to SOTD:

Prep: Shower
Cream: Cella tub
Bowl: Steel Korean rice bowl
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Derby
Brush: New Forest 2213
Aftershave: Alum block, GFT Limes Skin Food

Starting with the cream; I thought at first the Cella was very thin and evaporated quickly but after a while realised that I wasn't adding enough cream to the brush. The cream is almost like a semi-soap and had to scoop out a pea-sized about from the tub and into the bowl for lathering. This is quite different from TOBS's cream which I only need to dab the brush into. After doing this the lather was great.

I've only used the NF brush a few times so it's early days yet. No bristles have been lost which is an improvement over my last one (non-NF). No problems so far and I think it's only just beginning to "open up" to be bushy.

My first time using the Progress after having used an EJ DE89L for 5 months. Quite a different beasty. I was surprised at how different it was to work with. I set it at mark 2 which made for a very close smooth shave without any weepers. Result!
I'm really glad I listened to you guys recommending a razor like the DE89L to practice technique safely before moving onto more adventurous razors.

Also using alum block for first time. Definitely tightens up the skin and feels quite pleasant really. Washed that off after a bit then applied GFT skin food (also a new purchase) which is quite a subtle fragrance and skin feels conditioned nicely.

Probably too many variables to be trying all at once but couldn't wait to give my very early Xmas presents a go.
Thanks for reading this far and sorry if I bored you with too much detail.

Merkur 37C Slant
Gillette Platinum Swede Blade
Edwin Jagger Silvertip Brush
L'Occitane Cade Shaving Soap
Clinique Post Shave Soother

What a fantastic shave this morning! Anna Netrebko singing to me through the new spherical 360 deg Sony speaker (discovered through TSR) streamed from a new Asus Transformer tablet (chosen with the aid of TSR). My razor was a Rod Neep (discovered via TSR) handle supporting a Stahley head (found because of the inimitable dodgy of TSR fame) loaded with a Chinese Flying Eagle blade (unknown to me before TSR member Diqui-Long got the Chinese ball rolling). Lathered up with a Rooney brush (bought from TSR member Gairdner and restored by TSR member Bill Le Tuft). Cup of coffee from a Bialetti maker (never heard of them before a TSR post).

Lime soap, lime splash, lime balm, lime EdT. More coffee and more Anna. Breakfast by 11. It's Sunday. I'm retired. What a life!

Would you say TSR has had an influence on it?

Pre Veleiro soap + DR Harris Arlington shaving cream + Omega 31052/81052 + Gillette Super Adjustable with Gillette Platinum + Sergio Tacchini splash with Proraso balm

A citric and smooth shave with warm lather, gentleman!

Palmolive stick
Vulfix Bodger
EJDE89L, Supermax Super Stainless
Barbershop Bay Rum

Always seem to get excellent shaves when I have a few days growth. 5 days growth to super-smooth.
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