Rate The Last Film You Watched

Last film I saw in full = Spectre
5/10 not Bond as I remembered as a young lad.
Just a 'meh' movie for me..
Came home and caught the end of the 'Cabin in the Woods' - more enjoyable and a twist to the ending.

'Cabin' is a really good movie!,especially if you are an old school horror fan,just look on the gambling board,or in the basement of the cabin,to see all the references to other movies!...Deadite's at 10/1,Cenobite's 15/1...LOL!.
I'm a pretty big Marvel/Super hero movie fan but not sure I totally loved this one.
It was 'fun and cute' though but it did feel as if it was targeting a rather young demographic.

Mad Max Fury road, style over substance (as many are these days) would love to give you the plot, but there is none, 1 big chase form start to finish, Run away, turn around and run back,took 3 attempts to finish watching it, 4/10 being generous.

Warm bodies, nice Zombie / Rom com to watch with the wife, (trust me Rom com usually gets me grabbing the remote), its the old Girl meets Zombie, Zombie gets cured story, we've all seen before, lots of references to other storylines, including the R&J balcony scene,
A couple of movies I have watched over the last few days:

First was the new re-imagining of 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

It was quite well got up and obviously, slightly barmy plot-wise, but I did quite enjoy it. No doubt there will be another on the way at some point.

The second movie, I'm still trying to decide about: 'Hitman: Agent 47'

I think I would tend to go with the internet consensus over this one - the plot's just bollocks and you're only watching to see entertaining 'kills'. Probably not a date movie. The sad thing is, I actually think I preferred the original:
Have not been watching many movies,as have been playing 'catch-up' with TV episodes,I did manage to watch...
Ant-Man (2015)
Ill be the first to admit,I am not a big 'superhero' movie fan,not to say I don't enjoy them,but I can usually think of something else I would prefer to watch!.I actually quite enjoyed this,there is something quite amusing at the thought of controlling an army of ants,and being small enough to get into anywhere,and grow back to full size at will...The possibilities would be endless.....
All in all,not a bad movie,generic,yes,but funny enough to get you through till the end.
I rate it 7/10
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