PASS AROUND: 1933 #77 Gillette Open comb NEW

antdad said:
Thanks for your interest but as with Lyced I'm limiting the loan of this razor to more experienced members that have a few more posts. If in a few months you are still a regular member I'd be happy to lend it out so just PM me, I'm sure you understand.

No worries mate, I totally understand. :)
Third shave in. I split it up a bit with a shave with a rocket.

It really is a beast! I paired it with a 7 o'clock yellow.

Nice shave. BBS smooth but the razor needs to be treated with respect, if you do that, you can really reap the rewards of this razor.
I'm glad your getting on well with it Dipesh.


hunnymonster said:
You have a woman's razor my lord.... try one of the 1920s New Improved (especially one of the 'adjustable' ones) - unforgiving teeth there

What?! There's more than this?

What a way to start to fuel my RAD again...
Right, i think I've enjoyed this razor enough now so I'd like to say thank you to Tony and I'll drop a PM to the next in line.

I hope they enjoy it as much as I have!
I'm very very impressed.

I hadn't shaved for 48 hours, and one WTG pass with this and I cold have stopped there and had a perfectly acceptable shave! It's very well weighted and balanced, and seems to mow down stubble effortlessly, and after 2 passes I had a shave as good as I'd get from 3/4 passes of my TTo Gillettes. It doesn't feel aggressive, but just works.

I always get a good shave from the Nacet Platiniums, so am looking forward to trying some different blades with it. I found the teeth of the comb made it very easy to keep the angle consistent and moderate pressure.

Thanks to Dipesh for sending this on, and to Tony for the loan :sleepy:

Mick, I'll be in touch later in the year.

I got a bit cocky with my third use of this, using a Swede I went for a third pass specifically on my neck and suffered some irritation. so it's two passes from now on. I'm still enjoying the combination of weight and balance though.
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