PASS AROUND: 1933 #77 Gillette Open comb NEW

Inspired by Dodgy's fatboy pass around and a few glasses of wine I'm offering a shaver grade two piece English made Gillette open comb for trial. I understand why folks go ga ga for TTO's and adjustable's but for me it's mostly three and occasionally two piece razors that do the business visually and functionally.

Don't let the lack of heft fool you either, it doesn't need it. It's aggressive but perfectly balanced and it might give you some faith in those blades that couldn't quite cut it in any other razor, literally. So sign up to get another monkey off your back, I humbly suggest to fairly new and less experienced shavers to hold fire on this one, I have a fairly course and full mediteranean type beard and 2 WTG passes is enough for dare I say an easy BBS shave with a modest blade like a Super Chrome.

Those that like the idea of trying this, sign up for it and keep it for a week or four before passing it on. Gently does it.

Chicken Neck
Monkey Tennis

What's doin Tony,

So this is what happens when you have that second glass of Mogen David extra sweet concord grape wine (kosher for Pesach). I wonder if the third glass would make you turn the Kirby loose on the forum.........

The razor looks like a long tooth OC version, which means it'll have a fair amount of bite but should still be pretty comfortable to use. This would be one of the better ones for someone new to this type head to start with. Yeah, the shaves are close, but you gotta pay some attention to detail . For you members unfamiliar with how an OC feels, it's an interesting experience that's kinda like a mini rake waltzing around your face....heh.

I've got a couple OC milder types in my rotation, but even with those I have to tweak the technique a bit. Yeah, no looong strokes like I do with some other razors, plus the pressure thing can be tricky. Ton'ys razor looks to have decent weight in the head, which may keep the bearing down part to a minimum. Hell, maybe it'll be ok without any added pressure in spots. With other more aggressive razors, sometimes negative pressure is needed, which is a real pain to deal with.
Nice offering,

jon_hall said:
Is that fruit coming with the razor? :hungrig

I'd normally say you can have them but actually they really weren't half bad, must have been the warm weather of late.

This is one razor I have wanted to try for a LONG time. Please put me on the list and let me know if there is anything missing from your collection that you would like to try.

Thanks again - great offer.

I got this in the post today. Thanks Tony!

Will give it a run, and drop a PM to next on the list.

Thanks again for this offer Tony :shave :D :cool:
Hi Lesed, I wouldn't recommend this razor for your first OC experience because of it's outright aggression, for that I'd look to a modern OC made by Merkur or Muhle and if in 6 months you're still interested I'll happily lend it out again. If you are still keen I'll put you on the list.
Oh dear, oh dear ... I have succumbed to Mertwje's temptation and BOUGHT the no.77 he had on offer! I have been using and enjoying immensely a rather ugly gold (US-made) long tooth NEW so the 77 is very interesting to me. Erwin's price seemed very fair and they don't come up that often.

So thank you again for the generous offer Tony, but please take me off the list now!
No problem enjoy it, good price on that one. If you like the fat handled US version you'll like it, similar head but nimbler.
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