New life for an old brush.

The hair is black horse and I am going to try to save it, but I will have to remove it to clean and seal the wood so I can use it without getting the wood wet every time.

WW1 horse can have anthrax. The supply lines were disrupted during the war so they got hair where they could, and some was used that wasn't sterilized, some folks got sick and some died.

Fantastic as always, Toby. An amazing artifact and to have survived so long. We read of straights and other razors that are 100+ years old but nary a shaving brush.

Especially interesting is the USMC marking and the way it has been turned i.e a scavenged flat board as you mentioned. Function over form to them but still gorgeous in form to us.

You’ve set yourself a fair old challenge there but we’ve seen your ‘miracles’ before. No walking on water mind…

Very much looking forward to your progress and final results.
Thank you sir! It's the first I've seen like this, and I doubt many are still around. It was war production stuff, and they didn't care if it wasn't perfect.