Bluffers Guide to British Triple Milled

Blimey! The table pushes forward with a lot of new information ...

Give or take, I think this is about it! Presenting, The Definitive Guide to British Triple-Milled Shaving Soap.

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So, again, Standard Company Limited were bought by Soapworks in 2012 but clearly did not carry the knowledge and expertise forward and quite frankly decimating the standard of British shaving soaps, particularly among the London Cartel.

We can see quite clearly that the big names Crabtree & Evelyn, Penhaligon's, Trumpers, Truefitt & Hill, Taylor of Old Bond Street and other established names like Vulfix, possibly also Floris and further afield Musgo Real were all supplied by Standard (marked as Standard in the table). With the Soapworks acquisition came reformulation for these houses (marked as Soapworks in the table). The Standard formulation was known-good and vintage spotters should seek the ingredient sets (as layed out in the Key in the table) to confirm what they're buying is of the vintage they are seeking.

Some of the brands went through a further reformulation during the 2010s which is presumably a second Soapworks formulation (marked as Soapworks II in the table) and a couple called it a day at that point, ceasing the sales of shaving soap altogether - Crabtree & Evelyn certainly enjoyed both Soapworks formulations, while I'm still hazy as to whether Penhaligon's accepted the second formulation. Trumpers certainly did and to this day maintain that there's "absolutely nothing wrong with it" despite, I'm told, not using it themselves in their shop < they use the creams. The soap makes for a poor lathering experience - thin, foamy and dissipates on the face within seconds and visibly on the brush thereafter. In use, the residual slip is more of a juddering sensation.

Other brands continue to use the newer Soapworks formulation, notably M&S in their Apothecary range and newcomer Bulldog. Pseudo-British eBay brands like Haryali also, with Haryali still on the first Soapworks formulation.

Rather than accept the second formulation, some brands looked elsewhere. Most notably, Truefitt & Hill and Taylor of Old Bond Street, but also Vulfix. We have a common notion that this new formulation is from Culmak, but I don't have absolute confirmation of that ... largely because I cannot find a Culmak ingredient list with that base ingredient set (nevertheless, T&H is used in the table to denote those houses which use this new formulation and by T&H themselves, I've marked it as T&H (Culmak?)).

Clearly a good formulation, Scottish Fine Soaps and later Mitchell's Wool Fat move to the same base, abandoning their hitherto tallow-based offering.

On Culmak, I have several ingredient lists going back through time and while I can see that at one time they also make a soap which had a base very similar to Soapworks base, their previous (pre-2011) soap did not match Standard ... being an entirely different formulation (hence, Unknown Base in the table). Pushing forwards, Culmak move to a highly simplified formulation based on Coconut Oil (which itself seems at odds with Soapworks Palm-focusses offerings, so I don't think it's a Soapworks) which is regarded as delivering a very poor shaving lather experience - thin and dissipating, but unlike the Soapworks formulation does have some residual slip rather than a juddering effect.

This latest base is also found inj Czech & Speake branded shaving soaps (having moved from the tallow-based Valobra base some time during the 2010s) and newcomer EcoWarrior, again having moved on from a perfectly workable formulation.

Meanwhile, Floris remains a bit of an enigma to me with a lack of historical ingredient lists I can only show that their base appears to be a little different to the others (and so I've marked that as Unknown Base in the table for Floris themselves and Floris? for others that appear related to this base). Further afield, Musgo Real appear to have ditched the Soapworks base for the same base as Floris and Arran Aromatics moving off what appears to be the LEA (c.2017 Reformulation) onto the Floris base with their gentle rebrand to Arran (Sense of Scotland).

Somewhat deviating from the British names, but worth mentioning because Edwin Jagger appear to be in this camp, LEA reformulated their tallow soap to a palm-orientated vegetal soap around 2017 (noted as Unknown Base in the table for LEA themselves and LEA (c.2017) for those using the same base ingredient set). Notice that LEA themselves use a different ingredient set for their hallowed stick and yet another for their Classic soap which I am not finding in common with other brands. This 2017 base appears to be used by some of the European names, like Muhle, De Vergulde Hand and Carthusia ... as well as Edwin Jagger. As a shaving soap, it is workable - not as delightful as the former tallow soap, but workable nevertheless. It is also worth noting that this 2017 formulation bears considerable resemblance to an older formulation used by Boots through the 1990s and 2000s - same formulation as their hallowed shaving stick and soap dish tablet.

Which brings us finally to DR Harris, who have continued throughout with their own tallow-based soap, attracting other names like Cyril R Salter from other formulations and newcomer Captain Fawcett. While I don't have precise examples of historical ingredient sets for DR Harris, I've filled out the respective columns with a best guess.

For your own comparisons and for the sake of hunting down vintage examples, I've put what I think are the base formulations in the key - green is good, red is bad, dark red particularly so (and worrying for perhaps the T&H gang who might be supplied by Culmak, given the trend now not only away from tallow but also palm) and dark green for good/tallow-based. Amber is where I'm still filling in the blanks and/or don't have direct experience of the soap.

Happy hunting! Enjoy your soaps and I hope that this helps you place and understand the soaps that you have and ones that you may have passed on through the dark age of Soapworks.

I will continue to update the table itself as more comes to light, but the story most likely remains the same ...

Here's a few Penhaligon's versions:

First up is Blenheim from no idea when, second is or was the last Sartorial incarnation (which I like a good bit) and third is a English Fern reformulation somewhere in the middle. From what I understand, this EF is the better of the two offered and supposedly works ok compared to the other concoction.


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Brill! Thank you for these @dodgy. I shall pore over them forthwith.

I have confirmed that Pen's and Floris were both on the Standard Company base just prior to its acquisition by Soapworks. Older formulations vary going backwards and dating those is nigh on impossible. Going forwards, it would appear that Pen's, along with Trumpers and T&H went with one formulation, while TOBS and Floris went with an alternative formulation. I'll be updating the table to reflect this once I've let the fact settle. I'm still not clear on TOBS, to be frank ... as in whether they got onto the T&H formulation around 2018 or have continued on the alternative Soapworks formulation. Trumpers meanwhile moved onto yet another Soapworks base around this time. I really am struggling to find definitive current ingredient lists for TOBS.

Anyway, yes, concentrating on Floris for a short while so these are perfectly timed.
Couple Floris previous versions that are good performers: First is the JF flavor and other is Elite.

So, these appear to be the pre-2011 Standard Company base.


Here's a few Penhaligon's versions:

First up is Blenheim from no idea when, second is or was the last Sartorial incarnation (which I like a good bit) and third is a English Fern reformulation somewhere in the middle. From what I understand, this EF is the better of the two offered and supposedly works ok compared to the other concoction.

... and these show the much older tallow base (left), then the Standard base (middle) and third (right) is the Soapworks reformulation c.2011. That third one is actually considered a dud by comparison, but many folks did manage to get on with them regardless. Not everyone.

Again, thank you - there's a couple of blanks filled in.
I reckon the M&S Apothecary soap throws a(nother) curve ball into the mix, as a gander at the ingredients today (soap with stainless bowl) showed it as including shea butter and aloe vera. Pic to follow noting, also, that nowhere does the box mention that the soap is triple milled - maybe M&S thought customers wouldn't understand ...

Brill! Thanks for this. How's the lather - genuinely curious.

The base formula (everything up to Parfum) is common to Trumpers and Bulldog. I believe it is a further Soapworks formulation. Since the first Soapworks formulation (after 2011), from the London brands only Trumpers have stuck with them ... or rather, only Trumpers continue to have a crap soap, so guess that their reformulation around 2018 was again with Soapworks rather than with whoever it is that everyone else went to and regained usable soaps.
So, these appear to be the pre-2011 Standard Company base.

... and these show the much older tallow base (left), then the Standard base (middle) and third (right) is the Soapworks reformulation c.2011. That third one is actually considered a dud by comparison, but many folks did manage to get on with them regardless. Not everyone.

Again, thank you - there's a couple of blanks filled in.
Hey it's my pleasure, Paul,

The standard based Sartorial is quite nice regarding lathering, cushion, and slip, with better than average post shave feel. This soap is pretty strongly scented and faithful to the EdT (which I also have}. I believe this is the last formula produced, having Potassium first on the list and it does get good reviews.

I've seen countless posts trashing that middle, fairly short lived sodium first English Rose base, which pissed off so many veteran shavers being sprung on em like that. Supposedly there were 2 versions of that base with sodium palmate first but the one shown here was ok I read.

Hehe, I can't bring myself to crack the sealed BB. The hell is wrong with me.
I haven't tried it yet as I only spotted it today and bought it, principally, out of curiosity and for the stainless bowl (into which an old L'Occitane Cade will go). Interestingly, the soap is declared to be 'Made in China'. I shall lather it up in the next couple of days.

Made in China! So it does! That could be the bowl - there's a Dublin address as well, which is a common thing for British companies getting their cosmetics passed in the EU. I might be off kilter here and just spotted commonality rather than the same soap base. After the list of major ingredients (basically, everything up to the Parfum), the minor ingredients can be all over the place - most are fixatives for the scent, so different scents will warrant different ingredients, and others can just give a personalised twist on a formulation. MWF is the new T&H base but has lanolin as an extra, Arran is the new Floris base but has cannabis oil in place of shea butter.

Again, genuinely curious about the lather. It'll make a nice bowl for the L'Occitane, either way.
The standard based Sartorial is quite nice regarding lathering with better than average post shave feel. This soap is pretty strongly scented and faithful to the EdT (which I also have}. I believe this is the last formula produced, having Potassium first on the list and it does get good reviews.

The "potassium first" nugget was sound advice when the world that is British soaps appeared to go to shit because the new formulations were sodium-first. We had to challenge this around 2018 when T&H bounced to a new formulation which was also sodium-first but a damn good soap - it caused some confusion when it happened.

... but yes, the potassium-first soaps get a thumbs up and it's still a useful thing to remember when hunting down vintage supplies. Of course, when that formulation first happened (much earlier), it was when these glorious soaps moved from tallow to palm and at that time it was considered a bad thing. Perspective, eh?

Floris is becoming a lot clearer now - it is subtlely different to, say, C&E and Pen's or Trumpers of the day or T&H who all appear pretty closely bunched. Still scratching my head a bit on TOBS - I've reached out to them to ask for current and potential historical ingredients lists. I hope at least they can tell me the definitive for their current soaps.

Regarding that gang, they all seemed to have the base that started "Sodium Palmate, Potassium Stearate, Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Stearate, Aqua (Water), Potassium Cocoate, Glycerin, Parfum (Fragrance)" while Floris and TOBS had a base that started "Sodium Palmate, Potassium Palmate, Aqua (Water), Sodium Cocoate, Potassium Palm Kernelate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Glycerin, Parfum (Fragrance), Palm Kernel Fatty Acid" ... so, yes, two sodium-first formulations that I've identified from period photographs.

I've read folks saying that one, the other and both produce poor lather while others say (and even show on YouTube) they're able to generate stable lather. It was not consistent, but generally poor and might even have been on a batch by batch basis - just look how MWF had such instability over the last three or so years with dud batches, but also that background issue of folks over-watering and getting a tonne of foam. It's really hard to get a consistent story from opinion on forums. MWF is a cracking soap still now on the new T&H base, by the way.
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The Floris soaps pictured are kinda old and the JF is long gone. Elite's currently still around and might have similar ingredients..............can't recall. It's definitely a huge improvement over their first palm based soaps which were awful, bit still real pricey. Expensive bath soaps.

Here's a few pics of the package fronts.


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@pjgh here is the Trumpers Rose ingredient list that I promised yesterday.


I have also enclosed a photo of my TOBS Sandalwood Herbal Shaving Soap which I bought directly off them in December 2022. It is an excellent soap and I absolutely love the scent.

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