Blademonkeys PIF

@Blademonkey I know where you're coming from, it's annoying when people you've never heard of pop up to get freebies and then disappear until the next one.

I shan't let it deter me from doing one when I've got round to seeing what I can offer. I think you/we are entitled to simply omit the names of any you/we feel are "serial PIF lurkers" and do the draw as you see fit. Yes, it lacks transparency and this might make it feel like a bunch of mates passing stuff between them but, given that it's completely free, there can be no expectation of demanding to see published results on random dot org or whatever. You can pick who you like.

I agree it takes a little of the fun out, but people can choose how they wanna do it and if it means the spirit of the PIF continues then that's better than them dying out because people are jaded about non-qualifying entrants. And indeed the donor is free to decide what the requirements are.

Just a thought really, trying to find a way to keep the thing alive without upsetting anyone.
Yes, I agree with you, if the act of the Pifs was to stop it would be a real shame, the vast majority of the members of TSR are people with integrity and it's a shame that there are a few who are only seen when someone posts a PIF.

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the vast majority of the members of TSR are people with integrity and it's a shame that there are a few who are only seen when someone posts a PIF.
P & all - This is a bigger issue that ought to be treated elsewhere? What about an 'ethics of pif' thread. Doesn't need to be called that - you get the idea. It is an issue that several feel strongly about so we should perhaps get everything out there and discuss? Collectively we could find a format that works for most? It would be a sad loss if the practice died out - what do you think all? - cheers - I.

P & all - This is a bigger issue that ought to be treated elsewhere? What about an 'ethics of pif' thread. Doesn't need to be called that - you get the idea. It is an issue that several feel strongly about so we should perhaps get everything out there and discuss? Collectively we could find a format that works for most? It would be a sad loss if the practice died out - what do you think all? - cheers - I.

Everyone's going to have a slightly different set of rules they want to be followed for their own PIF, and as long as your own terms are set out in the opening of your PIF post they should be adhered to but as we see time after time no matter what terms or rules if you like are the very people that you don't want to enter because a, they have only joined on the day the PIF was posted, b, the members who could have been here for years but you only see them when a PIF is posted etc still stick their names down regardless, so whatever "ethics of the PIF" are drawn up they will be ignored as we have seen time and time again.
It is not too much to ask that any member who wishes to put their name forward are regular contributors to the forum, have at least ten posts under their belt (these ten posts cannot be posts asking to have their name put on a PiF list)
and one that I would have thought was just an unwritten rule that you don't enter a PIF to profit from it by selling anything they may win, everything I have won in PIFs that I find I won't use are given to other members or put back on the forum as a PIF.
I am sure there are members who are members of many other forums who only crawl out from whatever rock they are hiding under to enter PIFs and that is why when you look at their past posts you find all of their posts are just asking for their names to be put forward for the chance to win in the PIF they are putting their name forward for.
99% of members are fair and would never even think about pulling a fast one but there are always the odd few that only join forums to profit from them and any set of ethics will not deter them at all.
It's a sad state of affairs but it goes on and always will unless each and every PIF post is policed by the member who has put his gear forward or by other members as has happened in my ongoing PIF telling me that I have got lurkers on my list and members will keep an eye on what's going on because nobody likes a freeloader.
In theory your set of PIF etiquette or ethics is a good idea however it will never change the 1% who are only members of forums simply to profit from them in one way or another. Sad but true.
I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of the other members here though.
Please don't think I'm disregarding your idea out of hand, all of the above are only my opinions, others may disagree and I will be happy to listen to members ideas so we can keep the act of paying it forward alive on TSR. :)

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I have been very lucky over the few years I’ve been a member and won more than my fair share which is why I usually don’t enter anymore. I have more than enough stuff to last me a lifetime. It’s a real shame things have gotten to the point they have. A pif going to the right people is a fantastic thing. I have given away a few things to new members and traded for some of my most prized pieces. Wouldn’t have gotten my fatboy or slim without the 99% of good guys here. What about a pinned post with the worst offenders names which anyone can check before drawing?
99% of members are fair and would never even think about pulling a fast one but there are always the odd few that only join forums to profit from them and any set of ethics will not deter them at all.
Granted P. - but if we display a set of common values - don't sell anything gifted to you - a given, for instance - then is it fair to decline certain applicants? If it is defined why. A bit of due diligence by the originator can do that? It would also reflect how much they might care about where their stuff goes - some do - some don't. Other people need to chime in here. Cheers - I.
Granted P. - but if we display a set of common values - don't sell anything gifted to you - a given, for instance - then is it fair to decline certain applicants? If it is defined why. A bit of due diligence by the originator can do that? It would also reflect how much they might care about where their stuff goes - some do - some don't. Other people need to chime in here. Cheers - I.
Yes, I agree. A set of common values would be helpful and as you say some members maybe don't mind that much, I do mind however, I have brought items just to PIF, as an act of goodwill so I very much mind who is trying to get their names down on my list.
As you say, other people need to chime in. :)

For me it’s fairly straightforward
you just need to be regular contributors on the forum,
No one hit wonders,
for me new guys would be most welcome as long as their contributing to this wonderful forum.
Off course this view is my own

I agree as newbies can often benefit most from a PIF. I certainly feared the one I did to new shavers.

I think everyone can set their own rules at the beginning.
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It's a difficult one and it's always the 1%
Personally I have never participated in a PIF, but I have gave away a few bits and pieces.
It would certainly annoy me, if I were to offer a PIF and thick skinned freeloaders came crawling out and jumping onto it. In such a case I would request that they remove their name or I would exclude them. Also folks that benefited from a PIF and then flogging the stuff, that would piss me off - How do you police that?
Yes, I agree. A set of common values would be helpful and as you say some members maybe don't mind that much, I do mind however, I have brought items just to PIF, as an act of goodwill so I very much mind who is trying to get their names down on my list.
As you say, other people need to chime in. :)

You asked for it P . . .

I have in the past made no secret of my displeasure when the same freeloaders/scavengers and grabbing bustards only pop up when there is something to be had buck shee.
Like you said, they seem to have no shame - I believe this is exeabereated by the anonymity afforded to them on forums like this. . . . .If we were a group of fellas in the pub, they wouldn't stand there with their hands out expecting a freebie, would they?
These fekkers know who they are, and I see some have already withdrawn their interest in this PIF thread.
If they really are interested in the 'shaving scene' , all they need to do is participate within the forum in some way, and they will be accepted as 'one of the chaps'.

If anyone is offended by this post, please feel free to contact the moderation team to complain about the grumpy old wanker (who dares to say it how it is)

Paul, I'm so sorry that your wonderful PIF thread has turned in to this . . .

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