Blademonkeys PIF

As a more than thirteen year Member I do not qualify for this pif

You may well have been a member for that length of time but please tell us all how many post's do you have to your name and then go and read the very simple instructions for members wishing to join my PIF!

Quite right Paul.
This is why I will never offer another PIF.
I too in the past have put 'ground rules' in place for PIF's, and they weren't heeded by (some) entrants/lurkers/freeloaders et al.

I hope whoever wins this tremendously fantastic PIF has enough space to house it!!

PS, I'm sorry to rant on your thread old boy.

No problems at all, I'm afraid this will be my last of many Pifs because of the freeloaders that pop up and still put their names forward even though the rules I've put forward are easy to read and understand.
When you look at some of the regular offenders posts nearly all of their posts are just putting their names forward for every PIF , these repeat offenders have no shame what so ever and it has killed the basic fundamentals of the idea of paying it forward!
This is a shame for the majority of honest members we have on TSR.

So I put my name in the hat and if it’s drawn you send me all this stuff? As a newbie I hope I qualify and get to try some different stuff out. I put in my sotd post the other day that the Palmolive stick reminds me of my dad teaching me to shave :) Hope I’m doing this right!

@Blademonkey I know where you're coming from, it's annoying when people you've never heard of pop up to get freebies and then disappear until the next one.

I shan't let it deter me from doing one when I've got round to seeing what I can offer. I think you/we are entitled to simply omit the names of any you/we feel are "serial PIF lurkers" and do the draw as you see fit. Yes, it lacks transparency and this might make it feel like a bunch of mates passing stuff between them but, given that it's completely free, there can be no expectation of demanding to see published results on random dot org or whatever. You can pick who you like.

I agree it takes a little of the fun out, but people can choose how they wanna do it and if it means the spirit of the PIF continues then that's better than them dying out because people are jaded about non-qualifying entrants. And indeed the donor is free to decide what the requirements are.

Just a thought really, trying to find a way to keep the thing alive without upsetting anyone.
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