Blademonkeys PIF


Sunny Cornwall
Blademonkeys big PIF.

This PIF is open to regular contributors to TSR with at least ten posts to their name, no lurkers that only come out of the woodwork when there is something free in the offing!!! We know who you are!

Because of the large number of items offered I have run into problems with showing the photos, only ten thumb nail shots per post so I will crack on and see what I can do.
I think I will just list the items and then fit as many pictures as I can on to the post and will add on to the post once posted!!! Don't worry, it's making perfect sense to me.
You will need to do the normal thing by adding your names to a list and I will pull out a winner on the 24th of May at 1800hrs.

Right to start off and don't forget there will be additional posts tacked on to this post!!!!

Razors X 3 PXL_20230517_121144399~2.jpg
So we have a Muhle travel razor that packs down into its own small leather case, comes with a blade guard, very nice indeed.
Then we have a Parker Injector razor fitted with a new Schick blade ,this came to me by way of another PIF and shaves very well indeed when fitted with the Schick blades, a cartridge of them will be provided.
The third razor is another Parker, it is the Parker DE adjustable, a lovely razor, again this came to me by way of a PIF

The next section is brushes.......
Ok, the first brush is a 28mm Boti badger with a fan type knot, very nice indeed, the second brush is an Executive Shaving 30mm Best badger with a faux horn handle, it's like lathering with a cloud, wonderful!
The third brush is an Omega boar barber style brush only used once by me, and the last but not least is an unknown chubby type badger brush that came to me as part of a PIF.
The next section is Soaps, all are new apart from the first one with the matching splash which has seen light use.

Ok, I have now run out of space so I will tack the rest of the PIF on the back end of this, please do not post anything until I tell you to, ok, do not post anything yet, my job has yet to be done.

Ok those are the soaps no need to tell you about them apart from that they are unused apart from the first one with the splash in the first post.

Next we have razor blades, over 200 assorted blades, PXL_20230517_123334539.MP~2.jpg

Next we have bits and bobs,
One stainless steel shaving mirror, a nice size and unbreakable!PXL_20230517_121021356~2.jpg
Baxter of California ASB, new. Very good stuff indeed.
I think that may be all of it , if there's anything else I will tack it on to this post.

Thank you and good luck to all who enters.

Oh man! That is an extremely generous PIF Paul.
Respectfully not in but good luck to all who enter.

PS With what you have there I think you could easily bless three lucky members with complete setups instead of just one.
That's the good thing about Pifs, any stuf that's not required simply gets put in to another PIF and the giving goes on and on! :)

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