ARKO Soap Blistered My Face


I actually like Arko, even the scent, my favourite of the Turkish sticks that I have tried was Tweex but I have not seen it for a couple of years now I suspect it has been discontinued.

Interesting about whether the reaction is down to the citronella content, it is apparently not uncommon for some people to react badly to some citronella based mosquito repellents so perhaps citronella is indeed the culprit. I would say though that you read of so many reactions to some products that many of us have always considered completely innocuous that I have come to the conclusion that all of us are likely to get a bad reaction to something at sometime, if it has never been the case to date you simply have not encountered that product yet!

actually if you don't try standing up after the 8th bottle you don't have any bad allergic reaction to any of the ingredients. Id recommend just laying down on the table.

I don't need no stinkin table.

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