14 jan onWards .. Temporary closure of Transmissions...

RE: 14 TH jan. More thoughts on gillette blade gap

Dear Dewey

From the sublime to the ridiculous.
One word.
In Swedish this word missingskin tells me translates as fear.
It's a crazy german slant head 1940 metal razor (uncommon as most it seems are bakelie) that is on loan.
I put a saloon India blade in.
Holy blade gaps batman. Off the scale.
Fear indeed.
Used a lot of macca root.
One side is a bit more exposed! Than the other. If that's possible.
First the noise! One side noisy the other noisier.
The most noisy of shaving sounds.
Canon came round and complained. It was that noisy.
Really light touch. No neck third pass.
Good result.
A little weeper on the neck.
But great fun!
I never will use one of these with a hangover.
Actually the result was not as good as the stahly.
Why? Ain't good enough.
Unlike my dad.
Who has fallen for dodgys bloodsucking old type.
This morning he got a wicked finish, same blade since he's been here.
He blindfolded himself and used it dry while standing on one leg.
Thanks dodgy your a gent.
Oh were glad you like benny hill too.
There's nothing finer than 30minutes of scantily clad ladies running around a tree to showcAse the depth and imagination of britsh comedy.
Strange I hadn't realised the USA had come thAt far on...
All good.
Cheers from me and 'im.
RE: 14 TH jan. More thoughts on gillette blade gap

Slick said:
Dear Dewey

From the sublime to the ridiculous.
One word.
In Swedish this word missingskin tells me translates as fear.
It's a crazy german slant head 1940 metal razor

Dearest gullible and trusting Slimbola,

You know, Steve (pissinggin) told me he was gonna pull that little prank on you and I told him it wouldn't work. Perhaps I was a trifle optimistic about you falling for that. Next time he sends you a 'gift' of any kind, you might like to do some research before actually using the thing.

What you got there is a retro tool made by Fasan in the 1940s.....that part's true enough. This company was known for it's pushing the envelope with it's designs for the main stuff they sold. Yeah, they were an East German company who specialized in cooking related items.

You just shaved with their Flagship piece....a very effective carrot/potato peeler (chrome plated Deluxe version). I'm guessing those vegetables don't mind the experience as much as you seemed to.

Steve has many items from that line and oftens tells me how well the combination apple peeler/corer works ( I think he must really like apples a lot).

Far as Benny Hill goes, of course I love him! I can see how his type of humor is sooo appealing to you Limeys and other foreigner types. They say the English have a strong pull towards the dry wit thing, and Sir Hill (he was Knighted wasn't he?) is the perfect example. Quite understated and often using unusual references that were funny as hell if you knew what he was talking about. Kinda like being in a secret club....excellent.

Ocasionally he would even have an attractive woman on his show, but she was never used in a vulgar way. Yeah, Benny was sure an artsy guy.


Oh yeah.......I can't wait to see what Steve sends you out next.
RE: 14 TH jan. More thoughts on gillette blade gap

Slick said:
In Swedish this word missingskin tells me translates as fear.
It's a crazy german slant head 1940 metal razor (uncommon as most it seems are bakelie) that is on loan.

Sure's one crazy razor. "Fasa" = fear, but if you put an "n" at the end it'll will read "The fear" (Fasan) :D
RE: 14 jan onwards. Fasan. Enuff said. Fear...

Dear dresser

Hey it works so well on the Sunday spuds!!
My face is trashed though. Hey homi l love a prank Along with the next guy.
Sir benny being ours to you.
I shall get hissingkin back within some jewel blades.
Anyhoo gave face a break today with a 1955 diplomat.
Yellow with Trumpers violet cream.
All lovely on a three pass shave.

Off to watch that episode where mr hill so cleverly parodies a bus conductor.
No sir, what sir me sir! Hilarious.
The fear ( thanks for the translation M) will be off kitchen duty and back on face duty.
How my wife laughs at myweeping open sore face.
Such fun!
RE: 14 jan onwards. Fasan peels spuds not my face.

Dear Doley

Two days off. Taking the bloodsuckers new dad home and my Mum of course.
Plus every Benny Hill episode without half naked bikini clad girls in. That's none then...
India saloon WS blade.
2213 Lush and unction.
More confident, better result.
My general timidity left a bit of stubble near my lip untouched...
No nicks, no rash much better...
Heck you have to concentrate with this one.

Now have 1949 aristocrat Jnr to play with!!
Amongst others...
RE: 14 jan onwards. Fasan peels spuds not my face.

Dear dopey

ooo new razor!!!
1949 solid base plate aristocrat Jnr. It's a nice one! (ta Brian)
Super Iridium (Ta Marv)
Arko...soooo nice...!!
Lush under
Unction to finish.

A superb shave. Three passes.
Great finish, no irritation. Fells like my other aristo Jnr 9with the rocket style head)
The weight in the head from the brass plate makes this soo good to handle.
For me handling and the result are different. I love the look and feel of Fatboy, Slim and Aristo and #58
But the result on the Pomco is possibly the closest. Well they are charming, even the fasan....

So I have two aristo Jnrs what to do.
Does it stay or does it go...???
Aristocrat Jr.
Patent Pending
Rocket style head
Made in England

You can decide.
Call now on 0800......

RE: 14 jan onwards. Aristo Jnr. Class Act!!+++

Dear daffy

Well aristo Jnr
Super iridium
Erasmic cream

Well I'm enjoying this one. A lot! I'm looking for a razor to go some proper blade tests with.
This could be it. The others I mentioned are in the running too.
Especially mr fatboy. Actually he may be top. He's nice. He calls me father now and his previous owner Uncle. So sweet.
I've got the proper box for this one too. The one with same pimply interior as exterior which is from the other one. If you follow.
So I need one razor. I think I'll crest a shortlist and whittle down from there.
It will not be the old type!!
Yet to try the other two open combs from uncle Marvin so lots to do!
So thus razor plus them holy cow! Sharp iridiums is a great combo.
I may even settle down. You know one partner, one soap, one blade?
You see I'm just a shaving teenager so to speak so monogamy is not happening just yet.
But in the future at some point I'll have to leave bachelorhood behind and get responsible.
Mmmm I wonder.
Cheers now
Timnigel (fracorellli note!)
RE: 14 jan onwards. Time to settle down?...

Dear Dipey
Aristo Jnr
Super Iridium
Lush and unction
two passes.
Easy and comfortable.

Miss you.
No I miss you more.
Bye then
Look I said Bye First.
Well I'm not sure you did.
Look let's start again.
No I'm starting first.
but you said yo started first last time.
No you butted in.
Did I? I just thought I said Bye.
Look. Bye.
Is that it?
Yes that's it now.
RE: 14 jan onwards. Bye.

Dear dongly

A surprise. A nice one. Oooo.
I have a merkur 1904. And I have both heads for it. Open and closed. The
Open worked well.

So I tool the saloonblade out of ThE Fear! And popped it in the merk.
Now my first merk a 34HD made me rashy andbo sold it and followed red pill down the vintage burrow.
This is my only new razor. I was hoping the slighty more aggressive blade gap on this might suit now my technique is better. On the blade gap chart I think it is slighty more shredding than the red tip.
Using a nivea sensitive cream
I got a really good two pass shave. Actually better than the aristo Jnr on three passes.
So this could be my blade tester. It's quite heavy. It's nickel
Plated. It's shiny. It's well balanced.
And purdy.
All good
RE: 14 jan onwards. Merkur 1904 closed comb. BIngo!!

Dear Dysentery,

Hey I woke up this morning. From being asleep. That was lucky.
Imagine waking up from NOT being asleep. That would be weird.

I went to the bathroom. Saved peeing in the wardrobe. And looked at that innocent Merkur 1904.
So would it produce the same result?
Moos soap
Saloon blade.

zip zip zip went that razor. with two passes.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I,m ananzed. two passes. All this experimentation and the first razor (well same make of razor) I binned is the last one to be soooo effective.
Full circle really. I ended where I began. With as Merkur. I have to say this one is MUCH purdier that the HD.
I think.

So all good.
Unction finish. No blood loss Nuttin'. No rash. No hint of rash actually. I shall try a third pass with this little monkey at some point.
Yrs in amamzemnet.
RE: 14 jan onwards. Merkur 1904 Wins again..!!!

Dear daisy

Hey merkur come on in the waters fine!
Splash splash I'm havin' a bath!
Saloon blade
Parker sandal wood
No lush or oil
Unction to finish.
All good.
Sound as a pound.
Onwards and upwards.
One in the hand is worth two in the stash.
A dull razor gathers no stubble.
All well that ends well.
Out of the frying pan Nd into the sink.
RE: 14 jan onwards. Merkur 1904 Wins again..!!!

Dear dressy

Green Russian 7 o'clock
Trumpers rose cream
Kos under unction over
Three passes

All ok. No rash.
Finish not as close as two passes with the 1904.
But what a flippin' lovely razor!!!
RE: 14 jan onwards. uSA Diplomat does a fine job on international relations

Dear Darling

Another switch today as I have couple of razors with blades in to use before I go all open comb again (bar handled long tooth).

Aristocrat Jnr
Super iridium
QED rose/sandalwood

Now I have a benchmark firmly attached to my face (Merkur 1904) I can really get a feel for what is working and what isn't.
Plus its in two bits quality of finish Vs enjoyment of razor. So diplomat OK finish but I love using it.
This one quality of finish GREAT!!!! Enjoyment GREAT!! One good razor.
This could be a keeper.....well for the time being!! I like the action of the TTO, the solid baseplate plus it's condition and age.
A very nice piece. Two passes with a bit of ATG under the Chin. All good. All very good.
RE: 14 jan onwards. Junior is not so Junior after all...

Dear daffy

Aristo Jnr
Duper iridium
Kos oil
Surrey soap and moos mixed!!
Great shave and results.
RE: 14 jan onwards. Junior is not so Junior after all...

Dear dilly

Omg omg omg girlfriend. !!!
What are you doing to me.

This is a reference to the fact that just when I thought it got better it got better.
Used a dodgy loan gold bar handled gillette long tooth open comb. Circa 1940's? Not sure on that.
Any hoo with tobs lemon and lime I produced a lovely lather with just two pea sized blobs and used a little Los oil to start.
The green Russian produced a beautiful three pass shave.
I think this has to be my closet yet with it being comfortable.
I have a tiny tingle under the neck.
But oh so smooth.
It's ahead of the pomco and the merkur.
I feel too that my technique is smoother and more constistant.
I think my dad taught me more about pressure in his dexterous use of the old type.

So another step on the learning curve.
Keep the faith.
RE: 14 jan onwards... Omg omg Omg omg etc..implied good shave

Dear dongly

I should mention it's a NEW type head.
And I did two passes today and it was as good a feel as yesterday.
Not quite as close but just as wholesome.
Accompanied by proraso White tub
And unction.

So pleasing. So rounded. So woody. So satisfying.
Shave wasn't bad either.
Slick O' Shanter.
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