14 jan onWards .. Temporary closure of Transmissions...

RE: 14 TH jan Merkur 41C 1904 Open comb.

Dear ddddiiiaaarryy

1904 OC
Old spice cream
WS saloon blade

Really did not tighten up the head too much at all today.
Better than average. Much. This works easily and efficiently.
A 5 on the gillette scale I think. No rash or burn. Just shaving.
I like this razor. I like all my razors. They are myorning buddies.
Constant and true. Always ready. Always gleaming. Always on duty ready to go to task.
So, well, undisposable. Solid and dependAble.
Like friends should be.
Great conversationalists too.
Or was that a dream!
No talking razors are a reality. Get used to it.
Ok I'll let you into a secret.
One told me the other day he'd been used by ingrid bergman. !
I know that's sounds unlikely but when coupled with the letters ib
Scratched shAkily on the underside I think it is maybe true. It was from dodgy so it must be.
My razors have told me some amazing tales over a whisky or two and the one about Omar sharif is a corker.
Must fly
Meds have arrived.
RE: 14 TH jan. Talking razors. Not about. They do the talking!

Dear deary
Sat and sun
WS saloon blade

Surrey soap
TOBS rose
2213 sat
EJ black badger sun! I piffed this to a mate with a super speed
And he didn't take to it. So they cane back.
He had used 1 blade.....

Had a really good chat with the razors again last night.
Two have formed a band.
Fatboy Slim.
Now where have i heard that before...
RE: 14 TH jan. Talking razors. Not about. They do the talking!

Fatboy Slim! :lol: Why didn't I think of that?!!! Been using both for weeks and never made the connection! Excellent!
RE: 14 TH jan. Talking razors. Not about. They do the talking!

Dear Diary
been darhn sarf picking up my lovely parents.

Aristocrat Jnr
Sputnik blade (ta Urban) Russain from Petersburg I Think...
Body shop Macca root as used by Macca.
Great. Like this razor alot as it is a tad more aggressive...
Really very lovely in fact.

Razors performing.
RE: 14 TH jan. Talking razors. Not about. They do the talking!

NotTheStig said:
Fatboy Slim! :lol: Why didn't I think of that?!!! Been using both for weeks and never made the connection! Excellent!

Yes it's taken me 6 months!!
Now our razors can be world famous rock stars.
RE: 14 TH jan. Shaving with me Dad...X

dEAR Daaeryt

parents Are in residence. Lovely.

So my Dad did not bring any shaving kit with him becoz he wants to use mine!! And shave like he did in the army! He is 82. Fab!!
Without a blink he's up this morning and uses the Aristo Jnr and Sputnik blade with Lush cream.
Tomorrow he's on with the Diplomat (1955) with a Green Russian. I have given him a brush and free rein over the blade depository and shave soap emporium.
How good is this.
Shaving with my dad for the first time in my whole life!!!
Nuff said,
'Ave some (he's a Londoner from the Old Kent Road)
You Numpy face!!!
Lovin' it!
Cheers SlickTim

Oh I used Same razor and got a peerless 3 pass shave. This is a goodun. used taylors lemon and lime cream ta Tahir good dealings dude!!
RE: 14 TH jan. Shaving with me Dad....Perfick..X

Dear diarie

Dad used diplomat and arko.
I used aristo Jnr sputnik blade palmolive sensitive.
Three passes.
Great result. A really enjoyable shave.
Dad said diplomat mire aggressive than aristo Jnr!

Results are still slightly better week on week.
Slight improvements here and there.
Biggest I think is razor handling. Even now more confidence. A re visit to mantics vids shorter more controlled strokes.
This is great.
Oh grandchild no 2 visited today.
With grand hold no 2.
Both my kids and their kids.
Simply amazing.
RE: 14 TH jan. Shaving with me Dad....Perfick..X

Dear Dory

Aristo Jnr
EJ sea Buckthorn
3 passes last ATG!!!
Really all very good.
Dad no shave today.
14 TH jan. Shaving with me Dad....Perfick..X

To slick, on Aug 26th note. Very nice. That's one of the reasons I buy old razors. When you use something that's been cared for for all those years it make you think about the people and the Timeline that it was used in. My father was born in '05. Wish I had his 1st razor! Think of the stories it could tell!
RE: 14 TH jan. Shaving with me Dad....Perfick..X

Johnus said:
To slick, on Aug 26th note. Very nice. That's one of the reasons I buy old razors. When you use something that's been cared for for all those years it make you think about the people and the Timeline that it was used in. My father was born in '05. Wish I had his 1st razor! Think of the stories it could tell!
Ha yes what a treat that would be. Quite magical.
Today I used dodgys old type. Gillette.
Gillette blade.
Blightys soap

I actually shVed the inside of my heD. It was that close!!
Did three confident passes.
Now have sore red neck.
This confidence was bought about by my dad.
Who got to the razor first.
Used it after 50 odd years of not using a DE and said
Nice easy shave it's the closet I've had for a while. Much nicer than the diplomat.
So I thort, So of course I am the bleedin shavin expert I'll get really close with this.
Wrong! Again.
Too much too soon neck a mess still tender.
So lesson learnt
Don't cock around with someone taught to shave in the army....
Nice one dad!
He suckered me with tAles of shaving ease.
No shave tomorrow.
RE: 14 TH jan. Don't cock around with someone tUght to shave by the Army....

Dear Daisy,

So you thought you would fool me heh?
Telling me it was oh so easy!!
Nice mild shave he said.
Anyhoo today I did a very thorough prep.
Fatigues, helmet, fixed bayonet the lot.
So Old Type
Surrey soap
2213 Chunky monkey

In fact all my good stuff well applied and carefully so.

Two passes.....NO ATG

See perfick. Only half a dozen weepers which soon stopped with some Proraso gel....plus a really patchy finish....

It's no use pretending I've been done over by me Dad. Me and the old type don't fit well together. Dodgy told me it was tough one and he was right.
I hereby declare my father as 'King of Shaves'

RE: 14 TH jan. Don't cock around with someone tUght to shave by the Army....

Slick said:
In fact all my good stuff well applied and carefully so.

Two passes.....NO ATG

See perfick. Only half a dozen weepers which soon stopped with some Proraso gel....plus a really patchy finish....

That is excellent news! You've only been 'dabbling' in this 'hobby' for a short while (8-9 months), and look how far you've come. Heh, I remember the first few months were a little rough on you, and I hadda laugh when you mentioned rubbing the Super Glue over your face like it was alum. I told you that was good stuff, even if it does leave scars.

Well done,

14 TH jan.OLd Type..this time I came prepared....

Dear Slick
On the vintage 1904 OC I was told by a dealer that I should take extra care not to tighten them to tightly. He stress that to the point where on a 'like new' silver plated one that I bought from him that he gave me an extra top piece to use for daily shaves. He was quite insistent about it. Ever since then I've been very paranoid about the tension thing.
It is a beautiful razor and I can see his point.
RE: 14 TH jan.OLd Type..this time I came prepared....

Well johnus
I've put the old type to bed now. We don't get on so well.
But after reading a post by dodgy I realised it was time to go easy on my face.
It is new to me but I used a Stahly head on a ballend shaft (looks at camera)

Trumpers rose cream
Feather blade
Lush under unction over.
Really good result with a three pass shave.
Comfort and smooth.
So like the Zen masters say less is more.
This is a 3 or 4 on gbe gillette scale but because I could three passes with ease it worked beautifully.
Actually a very comfortable head.
I guess that with an aggressive razor like the old type I was trying to mow short all the time instead of bit by bit.
Good shave
RE: 14 TH jan. Stahly head.....zen shave less is more!!.

Dear. Mr diary

Hey this is new. Using a less aggressive razor but doing three full passes one with one accross and one against.
I've been a two pass man as the atg up my neck has mDe my head fall off a couple of times.
But either my skin has got used to this or I'm just hard as but I can now with the stahly go fully atg.
No rash nuttin'
Just a smooth face.
So having been disappointed with the level of aggression in some gillettes and talking about them setting their blade gaps to the law of averages it's sort of dawned on me that they are set to do three passes.
And that they do this rather well. Gradual beard reduction.
I shall now experiment further with my arsenal.
Less aggression
More passes.
After I have had a look at the fasan and two other gillettes!!
PRkers sandalwood.
RE: 14 TH jan. More thoughts on gillette blade gap

Dear dopey
Father continues to use old type and laugh in my face.
He can use it blindfold while whistling Col Bogey.

I used demure Stahly for a grand three pass shave.
Used soap mix of many I'd rendered down and it was all good.
You have to use alight touch said my dad as he cartwheeled across the bathroom for his second pass while smoking a cigAr and drinking brandy.
Shavings never been so good...
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