SOTD : Saturday 5th February-Friday 11th February 2022.

Tuesday 8th February
Yaqi Sagrada Familia - Monsavon - Canadian Schick E3 - Schick Proline B #1 - Williams Aqua Velva A/S - Aloe Vera Gel
Feb. 8, 2022 - The end is near


The ring of death is appearing on the soap - guess that means only a handful of shaves is left on it. The DG 28mm knot definitely is making a quick job out of the softer soaps...

As always, brilliant lather from milksteak and amazing slickness - no complaint.

Tatara Nodachi performance up to par too - I think it's becoming one of my favourite DE's. - Karve CB, Blackbird, and Nodachi - those 3 are probably my favourite trifecta from DE format.

for Scent of the day - mugler, pure havane. New acquisition for a good price, despite it being discontinued. And damn, it is lovely. Such an amazing scent!

Enjoy your shaves Ladies and Gentlemen.
Pre - Shower
Brush - Razorock 400 Plissoft Syn
Soap - Signature Soap Danum
Razor - Feather WS-D2
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Barts Balm Tester A
A/S - Signature Soap Danum
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The Feather really likes the Wizamet, a very comfortable shave today from a full 3 passes.
A fantastic lather from the lather monster that is the RR400 and the Danum soap, really helping the shave along.
Ending with the Barts tester which i am using up and the Danum splash, very nice indeed.
On a positive :sneaky:,
Mrs TC has tested negative on her 1st LFT and i have been testing negative every day. Fingers crossed we are through this.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Pre - Shower
Brush - Razorock 400 Plissoft Syn
Soap - Signature Soap Danum
Razor - Feather WS-D2
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Barts Balm Tester A
A/S - Signature Soap Danum
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The Feather really likes the Wizamet, a very comfortable shave today from a full 3 passes.
A fantastic lather from the lather monster that is the RR400 and the Danum soap, really helping the shave along.
Ending with the Barts tester which i am using up and the Danum splash, very nice indeed.
On a positive :sneaky:,
Mrs TC has tested negative on her 1st LFT and i have been testing negative every day. Fingers crossed we are through this.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Good news T (y)
Tuesday February 8, 2022
Razor: Firmblade vs Kenyon
Blade: Half a Shark SS vs Injector
Brush: Sorrentino Orange Crush/Cashmere
Soap: Tabac
AS 1: Humphreys Maravilla 70
AS 2: NiveaDeep
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1189
I bring you the Firm Blade with half a Shark SS Blade. It looks intimidating and the curved blade had me wondering as I'm sure others would. Is this for ladies armpits or guys shaving. Well if you check the Waits Compendium it will tell you it's a just a razor design basically. Waits is wrong sometimes so checking the Patent US2421205 of 1947 you find that it doesn't distinguish what gender it was made for but does layout the reasoning for the design and their goals. 1 of which is a firmer held blade as @pjgh guessed. Good guess considering the name of the razor :ROFLMAO: but correct (y) Feel free to read if you want but it wasn't designed specifically for women.
So snapping a DE blade in half and some snipping with some scissors gets a blade sat where it was designed to be.
How's the shave ? VERY.................mild and barely cutting whiskers even with added pressure, but it did clip some as seen in the photo. It was leaving tone of lather behind on a stroke which is a clear indication of none successful shaving strokes.
This necessitated calling in the Kenyon for pass 2 and 3 to get a quality shave. Some more research and playing with a way to get the blade secured more forward for some cutting will be played with. I'm off for some coffee and homemade Apricot Cinnamon Pecan Biscotti....... Have a stellar day folks !!
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This morning -

razor - Yaqi Excalibur
blade - P30 (8)
brush - Simpson P8 Phyl LE best
soap - MT Black Beer paste
post - cold water
a/s - Myrsol Agua Balsamica
scent - Oud Isphahan edp.

The Excalibur is turning out to be a very good razor indeed for me. I'm impressed. Cheers - I.
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Tue 8 SOTD
Cream Maca Root & Aloe
Brush Yaqi 24mm Bali Silvertip
Razor J. R. Torrey 5/8
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + HA + MacaRoot & Aloe Water Gel
Very nice scent from this cream. The lather was good too...
This razor has a fresh Naniwa 12k Edge and it was nice...enough. 3 smooth & comfortable enough passes for a
dfs/ccs finish. Still unable to get it to be more efficient. Patience... Aftershaves were very refreshing.
Pre - Shower
Brush - Razorock 400 Plissoft Syn
Soap - Signature Soap Danum
Razor - Feather WS-D2
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Barts Balm Tester A
A/S - Signature Soap Danum
View attachment 84075
The Feather really likes the Wizamet, a very comfortable shave today from a full 3 passes.
A fantastic lather from the lather monster that is the RR400 and the Danum soap, really helping the shave along.
Ending with the Barts tester which i am using up and the Danum splash, very nice indeed.
On a positive :sneaky:,
Mrs TC has tested negative on her 1st LFT and i have been testing negative every day. Fingers crossed we are through this.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Thank you
Pre - Shower
Brush - Razorock 400 Plissoft Syn
Soap - Signature Soap Danum
Razor - Feather WS-D2
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Barts Balm Tester A
A/S - Signature Soap Danum
View attachment 84075
The Feather really likes the Wizamet, a very comfortable shave today from a full 3 passes.
A fantastic lather from the lather monster that is the RR400 and the Danum soap, really helping the shave along.
Ending with the Barts tester which i am using up and the Danum splash, very nice indeed.
On a positive :sneaky:,
Mrs TC has tested negative on her 1st LFT and i have been testing negative every day. Fingers crossed we are through this.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Excellent news for you and your good lady. (y)
SOTD 04.02.22
– Truefitt & Hill West Indian Lime cream
Brush – Razorock Bruce
Razor – Rockwell 6C ( #4 )
Blade – Bolzano
A/S & Balm – Nivea 2 Phase

SOTD 37.jpg

Soap – Moon Soaps Trade Winds
Brush – Sagrada Familia
Razor – Blackbird
Blade – Bolzano (2)
A/S – Floid MV
Balm – Nivea Fresh Kick

Great first impressions of Bolzano. I’ve had two exceptionally close and comfortable shaves.
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After quite some time, I thought I would go for a single edge shave and reached for my Yaqi Raster SE v3. Or is it the v2? It’s actually very difficult to tell. Eventually after checking some shave forums and my email, I was able to distinguish between them. In the shave, there’s no real difference between them, in my opinion.

The SE experience is good. You do have to be a little bit careful, as always, when using a new Feather blade but the Raster is not an aggressive razor. The extra width does make for a faster shave, and I found myself deliberately slowing down, rather than whipping the blade over my face.

The Royal Forest which is a sort of Creed Aventus clone performed very well and smells excellent. It has a more fruity scent than the real thing and I decided to use the long neglected Humphreys melon & cucumber toner to freshen my face and compliment the Royal Forest scent.

Very enjoyable indeed!

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Yaqi Raster SE v3
Blade: Feather AC Pro (1)
Soap: TOBS Royal Forest
Brush: Semogue 830 boar
Pre-shave: Proraso Green
Post-shave: Humpreys Melon & Cucumber Toner
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Cobalt Blue
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