Which soap do you most want to try?

BigBoar said:
Hmmmmmm perhaps we should set up a sample thread. Between us I imagine there aren't many soaps we don't own. Sometimes one shave is all it takes to get the monkey off your back.

Not a bad idea. I tried to do something similar (a sample pass-around) on another forum a couple of years back but it didn't get past the 3rd recipient :-(
I've done swaps with people on here with great success but a more formal list might be interesting
Omp said:
BigBoar said:
Hmmmmmm perhaps we should set up a sample thread. Between us I imagine there aren't many soaps we don't own. Sometimes one shave is all it takes to get the monkey off your back.

Not a bad idea. I tried to do something similar (a sample pass-around) on another forum a couple of years back but it didn't get past the 3rd recipient :-(
I've done swaps with people on here with great success but a more formal list might be interesting
+1 for that. I have about a dozen creams and soaps which realistically will last years. Yet I still have lots more to try. I have swapped a few but perhaps a list or message board of soaps for trade. I like the sadly departed Wickhams sample sizes. I think more soap makers should offer them.
Need to thin out the stash a bit before I can justify buying any more soap. When the time comes Tabac is a must, and I'd like to try Klar Kabinett, but I'd guess that'll be like hens teeth by then - c'est la vie.
zygalski said:
I'd also quite like to try Cella. Is the almond smell very strong or sickly sweet?

To me Cella is a bit on the 'candy'-side of scents as there's a lot of Cherry in the scent as well. It's a great performing soap though.

To me 3P is the grown-up version of Almond-scented croaps (as far as scent goes). 3P is also an amazing performer.
Ben88 said:
Interesting mix. I am surprised not to have had more American stuff mentioned.

joe mcclaine said:
Ben88 said:
Interesting mix. I am surprised not to have had more American stuff mentioned.


Difficult to choose something from a country that is younger than some of our posters' houses.

Hi Ben,

Looks as though Vinny was stirring things as usual. He likes being the straw, which is always interesting. Coming out with semi outrageous statements in a matter of fact manner, which I do enjoy. Vinnie, you scamp, you. Always goofing on the members.

Now Ben, if the question was "What Yankee soaps SHOULD you most want to try, I would have responded. I find things are sometimes not included on certain lists because of any lack of member's personal experience. I am happy to mention a couple of US soaps that are as good or better than anything else I have ever tried. Forget the scent in some of these old, things but this is about performance.Heh, only problem is they are all extinct. Kind of a downside maybe.......

First of all you got Old Spice and then there's Lentheric and Ralph Lauren Safari. All excellent. Also, some of the very old Surrey (bought years ago by VDH) is nice stuff.

I have used this small group and they are pretty darn good and ones everbody should have on their want to try list. There's others made in Yankeetown I have heard of but never tried. Then you have soaps like Burma Shave and Aramis and Halston that are not so good.

Top of the list to try soaps would include the old Yardly stuff and also the C&S line is really good and actually available still. Y'all should also want to try Tabac and MWF.

Ok, that's plenty for now,


Omp said:
I'd like to try Tabac, MdC Fougere, Czech & Speake no.88 and Penhaligon's Bayolea at some point.

I have a similar list to you - except mine's C&S Oxford & Cambridge as I don't really like the 88.

I received a sample of the Bayolea shaving cream and was really underwhelmed - it didn't lather up at all, but the scent was really nice so I'm definitely interested in testing out the soap some time.

All things considered, I think Tabac is the one I'm likely to try.
Omp said:
I already have the Oxford and Cambridge but there is barely any scent. If they did a shaving soap of the dark rose I'd be all over it

Definitely! My C&S is Frankincense and Myrrh, but Dark Rose is a close second favourite and would make a great shaving soap.
zygalski said:
I'd also quite like to try Cella. Is the almond smell very strong or sickly sweet?

We're all different aren't we....but I do find it very almond / marzipan. Not good for me as I can't stand marzipan. I would have said it smelt a bit sickly just by sniffing the tub, but when you mix it and stick it on yer face it really isn't bad and you start to forget about the smell. Does lather up nice though...but it has a great reutation, as you well know (Grandmother - suck - eggs etc) It doesn't linger after the shave though.

Connaught have it on offer but I believe you have to spend £50 to get 10% off...but they do have Wickhams for sale.

PS. Love the Weber. Bought some Peek and gave it a shine...see yer face in it. :)
Isn't the Wickhams £14.95 at several places now?...I'm sure it is at Connaught...?

The Arko bowl is a ridiculous £3.37 incl postage on Amazon.
Have a look at Gary's Sample Shop http://sampleshop.blogspot.co.uk . He sells sample sizes of soaps, creams, edt etc. I have not tried him but he carries MdC.
Purchased the MdC soap I was desperate to try on the BST section. First impressions: if you get the chance to buy MdC... do it.
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