Went a bit mad on the Russian DE's today...

Sunday January 4, 2015
Escaping Santa Mira...
I was running a bit low on my beloved Voskhod's,only have about 70 left (you know how it is,just in case and all that!),so I bought another 100...Whilst I was at it, I ended up with 100 Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus blades,and 100 Rapira Super Stainless Chrome blades too,so what do you chaps think of the Rubies,and Rapira SSC blades?,any good,or not?.TBH I have about 98 Rapira Platinum Lux blades 'in the drawer' but have not got on too well with them,but I have only tried them in a couple of certain razors....So I wont judge them.....yet!.
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A little excessive but you'll be laughing come the bladeapocalypse.
The Rapira SSC are ok blades but I find the Rubies are my top blades.

Shave on... and on... and on...
I am embarrassed now!,is a 1000 blade stock really that sad?,glad to hear the Rapira SSC's are not 'too bad',going to try a Rubie tomorrow,probably in a short handled SA on 9,or a Fatip Piccolo,just to see how it goes!.
I was running a bit low on my beloved Voskhod's,only have about 70 left (you know how it is,just in case and all that!),so I bought another 100...Whilst I was at it, I ended up with 100 Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus blades,and 100 Rapira Super Stainless Chrome blades too,so what do you chaps think of the Rubies,and Rapira SSC blades?,any good,or not?.TBH I have about 98 Rapira Platinum Lux blades 'in the drawer' but have not got on too well with them,but I have only tried them in a couple of certain razors....So I wont judge them.....yet!.

FWIW, I think Sputnik blades are far better than Voskhod. The Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus is IMO the ne plus ultra of modern DE blades. There simply is no better that I know of. Top of the mountain. Some have said that using one is like being shaved by the hand of Jesus. ;)

It has been said that all Rapira blades are the same except for the Platinum Lux which is their flagship. I would agree with that for the most part.
There's no such thing as too many of your favourite blade. I went through a stage of ordering 100 Astra's a month. Of course after about 6 months I worked out I had about 10 years worth of blades backed up, so stopped and took a chill pill. Of course my favoured sellers are constantly on my watch list and should the rates change violently on my favour - I probably won't resist.
I just tried a Rubie in a Fatip Piccolo,very nice it was too!,seems to hold its edge very well,as I shaved the whole chin with just one side,and it seemed to be just as sharp at the end as it was at the start!,and smooth too!.Impressed so far!.
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