To celebrate 50000 posts here...

OK - for me, the winner is Nanny - since she gets to sell some soap regardless :lol: but she is also disqualified from the competition on the grounds that she has more than a passing interest in the prize :D.

In second place and open for the prize (of a 100 or 120g soap of your choice from Danny's Silly Soaps - the weekend name for Nanny's Silly Soaps apparently) is for this effort....

There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Did I mention she's also a granny ?
We really had hoped
That you'd mention her soap
But all you can think of is Fanny !

So Mr Damian Murphy scoops the soap... let me know by PM what sort of soap and where to send it Damian and I'll get on and order it.

Was a close run thing with this from Urban Hermit

There was a soap maker called Nanny
Whose Exotic soap is Ylang-Ylangy
Your skin stays so tender
With Citrus or La-vender
Buy the bunch and keep them all handy

But really, Limericks should be smutty, according to my Limerick guru, Mr W. Rushton, at least.
CongaRats Damian!

    • First time I've been non-smutty on purpose, and it counts against me!
      • ... meh. Ah, well ...
            • SWMBA says I have too much stash anyway.
              • & she's always right
                      • - just ask her.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Bejaysus Damian, you'll have Nanny's and Mama Bears coming out your ears! :D A worthy winner IMHO.
Poor UH will have to make do with a slodge in a ziplock....but he already has far too much soap, as his SO can confirm. ;)
As there are only 379 people living in the Republic outside Dublin, no need for postcodes. In fact, Damian, the clean shaven one, Galway would probably get there. :lol:
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