Things you really don't like.

ollie9091 said:
DPTC said:
Alot of these will be people related, but here goes:

- people who are late
- people who are loud
- people who are stupid
- people who are lazy
- people who are rude
- people who are unprofessional
- people with bad manners
- people with no consideration for others in public (e.g. trains, playing loud music through their phones)
- people who don't take their mobiles with them and leave them on their desk, then it rings. Kinda defeats the whole point of a "mobile" phone
- people who are ungrateful
- people who are unapologetic esp when they've done something wrong
- people who are immature
- people who don't look where they're going in the street or realise who's around them, getting in the way or what not, etc
- people who don't listen and talk over you
- people who talk loudly on their phones
- people with bad manners and personal hygiene
- two faced people
- flaky people
- unreliable people

Right that's the people one's done, I'm sure there's more though.

I also don't like:

- traffic
- crowded places
- long queues
- being poor
- the UK justice system
- the UK law
- thing that take ages
- early mornings
- cold weather
- rain
God, you must be permanently pissed off.........hold on wait that me aswell!

Another is, as I drive a lot, you are following a slow vehicle down a single lane slip road onto a motorway and there is some halfwit, usually in a BMW, behind you. You indicate to enter the motorway and move to lane one you can not get into lane two as a lorry is in it o/t the slow vehicle in front of you. It passes you, you go to move, whilst still indicating, into lane two and the twat behind you is intent on out accelerating you so you can not
Sorry if you drive a BNW, but you are all tarred with the same brush in my eyes!

Yes I am lol, I generally don't like people at all, they piss me off!!

Also people who add an 's' on the end of a brand name, e.g. "Burton's" ITS NOT PLURAL! And "Asda's".

Or people on the phone who hang up and say "bye" twice. Like why do you need to say it again? You've already said it.

jb74 said:
Smokers and their "the world is my ashtray" attitude... flicking their cigarette butts wherever they want... especially out the car window when I'm behind them. Grr..

The pub/restaurant/workplace smoking ban implemented here in Ireland in 2004 was one of the best things the government has done here in the past 20 years.

Ah yes smokers get on my tits!

I lost my grandfather to lung cancer due to smoking and I always used to hate going over to see him and breathing in his smoke. I've never had a better incentive to not smoke, though a lot of my friend smoke, I really hate it.
Rufus said:
Gairdner said:
I will not refer to my old boy, my bestest bud, my dog Bracken as 'dead'. Yes, that's what he is but it hurts too much, still. He passed away, I lost him, ok? Yer stick that dislike up yer arse. And no, I'll never learn. How very unfortunate for you that few of your family are loved ones. Hopefully the feelings are mutual, eh?

"Boor" springs to mind. You are entitled to your opinion and your euphemisms, but why do you have to be lavatorial and personal about mine?

Aye, it's a braw bird the puddock.....
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