Things that really wind you up?

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Tuesday February 8, 2011
This could be anything that winds you up thread, first of all my personal wind up drives me insane, as a buyer and seller on Ebay since 2004 there's one thing that drives me insane and that is people who wait for me to leave feedback even though I made a instant payment, me personally as soon as someone as paid me I instanlly will leave positive feedback, and why wouldn't I, I trust myself that the item the description and my ability to post the item, it's the duty of the seller to leave feedback for someone who's paid not the otherway round, you have no control of the item as soon as you drop it at the post office so what's the problem, I now will not leave feedback for anyone who I have purchased off unless they leave me first out of principle.

This all started a few years back on ebay with the tit for tat merry-go-round of "I'll leave positive feedback only if you do" , and "...if you leave negative feedback then so will I regardless.."

Ebay put a stop to that, so now the seller cannot leave negative feedback if the buyer pays promptly for an item. But many new sellers probably don't realise that yet.

It depends on the amount you sell/ buy as well, as leaving individual feedbacks are very time consuming.

In her shop, my partner has her account set to automatically generate positive feedback for a seller the moment they pay for an item, then we don't have to worry about it.
Just silly wee things mostly. Like drivers signalling with their right indicator when going straight on at a roundabout thus bringing the entire line of opposing traffic to a needless halt. And don't start me on the apparent current craze in the Strathclyde area for LGVs & "Custom" cars to display blue lights (usually to the front).
Since those are the two things which sprang to what I am pleased to term my mind I guess that my life is really fairly free of serious concerns !

JohnnyO. \:blush:
I agree Jamie......I always pay instantly the minute the auction has finished....and of course have to wait for the item to arrive to check the condition before leaving feedback.....I bought a razor recently and had to wait until I left feedback before the seller reciprocated.....The razor was as described ...but I don't like that attitude and will never buy from him again....Regardless of what he has on offer....

I rather think this thread could run and run...

Oh....and I hate dangerous ..."traffic calming measures" as well......You know the ones....the wheel smashers, where the road has been narrowed down,and the kerb juts out into the road....Invisible on a dark wet night.....
Hence Boabs double posting wind up is a wind up :icon_razz::icon_razz::icon_razz:

man of leisure said:
Hence Boabs double posting wind up is a wind up :icon_razz::icon_razz::icon_razz:

Spoilsports buggered my comment up :icon_cry2::icon_cry2:

I sympathise Jamie, I also leave feedback (when I sell) immediately as soon as I'm paid but many sellers don't and they should, once a buyer pays, that's his part of the deal done.

Also some buyers don't EVER leave feedback... I sell them something, they pay, I leave positive feedback, and I never hear from them again. Did it get there? Were they happy? Annoyed but don't want to cause a fuss? Well I'll never know.

Other annoyances:

People using mobile phones while driving.
People throwing rubbish out of cars.
People letting their dogs shit in the kids playing fields, and not bothering to pick it up.
People yapping on phones in quiet train carriages.
People yapping on phones while being served in a shop. Put it down and speak to the human in front of you.
Maybe just inconsiderate people in general!

Crappy, dumbed down TV... GMTV, Big Brother, I'm a celeb, X Factor, Britain's got talent, blah blah. Sun reading racists, premiership footballers who refuse to set an example to kids, people who are English but can't spell properly in their own language, Watneys Red Barrel, people singing "Torremolinos, Torremolinos", the list goes on. I'll probably think of some more soon.
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