SOTD Saturday 17th -Friday23rd September 2016

Wednesday AM 2016-09-21

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 2/1 Finest (20mm/57mm)
Avon shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/Trident LE Titanium Albion
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (5)
Fine Fragrances Aficionado aftershave

A very good shave. The Trident handle has a nice 'sticky' feel in my hand even when wet. The aftershave is sweeter than I had expected but quite pleasant smelling and soothing.

New brush in the mix today. This is from a limited run of 100 brushes made by Omega for an Italian shaving forum that I was lucky enough to get my hands on despite not being a member. It's a 28mm Silvertip butterscotch barber monster!

Martin De Candre Original
ATT S2 / Jurgen Hempel SS Wave Handle
Personna 74 (9)
Il Rasoio Omega Butterscotch Barber Silvertip
Floïd Blue

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

I've seen that brush in a few photos and really like it.

New phone with working camera, allows me to up my game,

Proraso White for sensitive skin,
Gillette slim twist,
Rapira platinum lux(3)
Hjm brush,
Boots distilled witchazel, before I discovered it was cheaper in Wilkinsons,
Dragon man EDT, bought because I liked the name,

The slim twist is the razor I can remember in the bathroom cabinet as a child, though that particular one is long gone,
The Hjm brush is a fairly small brush that is from my travelling wash set, I prefer them larger, but it does a good job none the less,
I was actually surprised that the Rapira blade seemed better than its past two uses, I wonder if it will be good for any more use,
Though I had to work at it, the twist did a fairly good job, it's not at all aggressive, but it's kind of nice to use, in an oddly nostalgic kind of way,
Downside of using the Boots witchazel, is I forgot that it's not a top like on the Thayers, so I had a hand full of the stuff.
Oh and I didn't use the Alum after all.
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Thursday 21/9/2016
Sorry no pic today, really don't get time and setting the scene is so hard lol.
Today I went back to 1912, using my ever lasting sample of Wickahams Russian Leather 1912 and my newly acquired from a PIF British Ever-Ready1912 razor, thank you @Electrif . This was my first ever use of any Gem razor. Anyways here was my set up today.

Shower, cold water face wash
Wilko shave oil for preshave
Razorock 24mm Plissoft
Wickham Russian Leather 1912
Ever-Ready 1912 British Razor no shim
Steel Gem first use
Cold water splash
Alum Block
Pinuard Vanilla AS

OK so for the keen of eye of you who know me, I really don't like to use Alum as I tend to get more red and sore when I've only got a little too close. But for today needs must lol. 2 nicks along my jaw that were weepers and Alum to the rescue. My fault as I was trying to whiz around my face like a lunatic lol, something felt similar to my DE shaves with my mekur but different and more so in similarity with my new oneblade, but the Ever-Ready 1912 is a different Razor and silly me didn't take my time to go slow and learn. Final result mixed bag of BBS and DFS with patches of SAS.

Not my finest hour or shave by far. But hey the Wickham soap was amazing as always and love the scent of the Vanilla Pinuard it just lovingly lingers.
Thursday 22nd September 2016.
Thursday's Shave..jpg
Shaving recipe for today.
  • warm shower./ Cien Men Green Kick Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.
  • Razor: parker 22R .
  • Blade:derby Extra. (2)
  • Brush: Semogue 1470.
  • Soap: proraso Sandalwood + 4 drops of Glycerin in soap bowl.
  • Bloom water face wash .
  • Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.
  • Thayer's Aloe Vera Rose Petal Witch Hazel/ Alum/ Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm.
  • Post: Boots Freshwood Aftershave.
  • Today's shave like all my shaves this week was another effortless 3 pass + pick up's silky smooth shave,my technique is vastly improving;).i still don't get cock sure of myself, or i'll be using a full block of alum & bog roll to soak up the blood from my face:eek:, the proraso provided me with a excellent cushion and slickness to give me a superb shave to start the day.Enjoy your day, gentlemen.:cool:
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