SOTD: Saturday 16th Sep 2017 - Friday 22nd Sep 2017

Monday 18th SEptember
OSP Bay Rum
Zenith 506 TS
GEM Micromatic 'Clog pruf'
Alum Wash
Electrif's Bay Rum
Lacura Body Moisturiser

Twelve close shaves, didn't that blade do well. Very happy to consign to other uses.
Morning gentlemen,
This is actually last nights shave report but due to unforeseen home made strawberry wine I was unable to post.
Anyways, it was an awesome shave!!!!
Totally BBS no nicks or irritation.
My first use of the gentleman's face care club cream, it really is as good as people say. Incredibly smooth, cushioning and slick , it also leaves your skin feeling moisturised.
The cream paired with the Rockwell and a new nacet blade was sure to be a winner from the off.
My only regret was drinking too much home made wine.:confused:
Executive shave pre shave oil
Rockwell razor
Nacet blade #1
Gentleman's face care club cream
Razorock Italian barber synthetic brush
Sterling's as balm
Parfum de Marley Herod.
View attachment 29176
Home made Strawberry Wine. I'm intrigued. :D

Pre: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Savile Row 3824 Silvertip Badger
Cream: Kapo Fresh
Razor: ATT Kronos M2
Blade: Vintage Gillette Platinum Plus (2)
Post: Argo Neo Gold Balm
EDP: APR Mycroft

The fruits of Bulgaria to the fore! I really enjoy both the Kapo cream and Argo balm.
The Kapo cream produces an excellent lather - up there with the best for slickness (for a cream). It has a clean fresh scent, and is a pleasure to use.
Three passes and I am BBS and feeling great. I am a big fan of the vintage Gillette Platinum Plus blades - they are outstanding performers.
The Argo balm has a masculine tobacco flower scent, and leaves the skin smooth and well moisturised.

And the outrageous price for these fine products............................
43p for the cream and 50p for the balm!
The den is graced this week with the @twhite Igor adjustable SE. It's an ingeniously simple and effective design, no pins to lose, no incantations required to load and solidly secure a blade. I took my time with Igor on its more aggressive setting, occasionally losing the angle which I attribute mostly to having been away from SEs and their ways for a while. Three passes to a beautiful BBS shave, no irritation. I think with a little practice I'll get that down to two.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
The den is graced this week with the @twhite Igor adjustable SE. It's an ingeniously simple and effective design, no pins to lose, no incantations required to load and solidly secure a blade. I took my time with Igor on its more aggressive setting, occasionally losing the angle which I attribute mostly to having been away from SEs and their ways for a while. Three passes to a beautiful BBS shave, no irritation. I think with a little practice I'll get that down to two.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
I love Igor! Tom is the man! :)

Semogue 2000
Schick Krona
Supermax Super Platinum
Mitchells Wool Fat
Thayers Rose, Nivea Men Cream & Next Tropic

A nice start to the week, a great shave although my brush was too wet to start with but we pulled it back in the end, had tonnes of lather. Never ever had an issue with MWF, one of the easiest lathering soaps in my opinion. The Schick was great, using the Parker tomorrow for the next few days. I have 9 razors now and I fear that is 1 or 2 too many. I don't like having more than 6 or 7, but I'm loathe to get rid of them because I like the current line up ...
I'm with you on the number of razors.I've got 9 which is nothing compared to some but I'd be happy with 4

Semogue 2000
Schick Krona
Supermax Super Platinum
Mitchells Wool Fat
Thayers Rose, Nivea Men Cream & Next Tropic

A nice start to the week, a great shave although my brush was too wet to start with but we pulled it back in the end, had tonnes of lather. Never ever had an issue with MWF, one of the easiest lathering soaps in my opinion. The Schick was great, using the Parker tomorrow for the next few days. I have 9 razors now and I fear that is 1 or 2 too many. I don't like having more than 6 or 7, but I'm loathe to get rid of them because I like the current line up ...
Evening shave.

Lucky Tiger Face Scrub, BBA Shave Oil, bloom water.
P&B Spitfire.
Maseto 30mm 2 Band Finest (face lathered).
Gillette Fatboy (5).
Vintage Gillette Super Stainless (1).
Thayers Witch Hazel (unscented).
Extro Tobacco Aftershave/EDT.
Aloe Vera Gel.

First use of a vintage Gillette blade thanks to the ever generous Martin aka @dodgy. The blade felt a little tuggy for the first pass, but seemed to get smoother as the shave progressed. Is this common for such a blade? Anyway, by the third pass the shave was very comfortable, and I achieved a BB smooth face without the need for any pick-ups. So I'm expecting the next couple of shaves with this razor/blade combination to be very good indeed. By the way, are these the blades that are sometimes referred to as 'spoilers'? Cheers chaps.
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Parker Variant #3
Voskhod #1
RR BC Synth
OSP Bay Rum

Took receipt of my new (to me) Parker Variant. MrK1 wasn't lying when he said it was mint, it's flawless. I'd have assumed it new had he not said. Loaded with a new Voskhod; I was going to go Gillette Nacet but have realised I've only one left! I'll have to work my way through my unused blades before deciding what to stock up on.
I digress, there was oodles of gorgeous lather to behold. Very slick, as one might expect with OSP. The razor was set on #2 initially but not quite enough feel for me so I upped it, et voila. Grand! #3 did the job in two passes with one or two minor touch ups. No hint of irritation, no hint of razor burn, no nicks, no weepers... I could go on. It's too early to say for certain, but this could be my favourite DE so far. No post-shave necessary. I wish I could go back in time and do this all again tonight!

Right, who's next?!
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