S.O.T.D. Saturday 27th May to Friday 2nd June 2017


Brightening up this gloomy bank holiday Monday with a little Saponificio Varesino & Sauvage.
SOTD 20170529


Brush: J&T® apple / Cashmere synthetic 24 mm.
Shaving soap: Fitjar Fjellheim.
Razor: Rotbart Mond Extra.
Blade: Supermax Super Platinum (6).
After shave: Arko Men Cool after shave cream.

First time using a brush ith a Cashmere knot (also from APShaveCo).
Just as fine as the Tuxedo knot, IMHO.

Have a nice day, gentlemen ! :)
Bank holiday Monday shave

I picked up the argan oil in savers the other day.
It's as slippery as a slippery thing, but it didn't do the business, with the Tabac at least. I'll try it with a different soap/cream sometime before I write it off as a failed experiment. It only cost £1 so it's no big loss.
I'm still struggling to get the RazoRock synthetic brush to whip up lathers with soaps, creams aren't a problem though.
As a result of the oil not being great and not getting the soap to lather very well I didn't have the greatest shave today, with a couple of weepers and burn on my neck.
Still, I managed a close shave.

It's stopped raining so I can get out with the dog, he's doing the "I want to go out 'dance"!!
Bank holiday Monday shave

I picked up the argan oil in savers the other day.
It's as slippery as a slippery thing, but it didn't do the business, with the Tabac at least. I'll try it with a different soap/cream sometime before I write it off as a failed experiment. It only cost £1 so it's no big loss.

Argan oil is quite good post shave..........so no loss at all!
Bank holiday Monday shave

I picked up the argan oil in savers the other day.
It's as slippery as a slippery thing, but it didn't do the business, with the Tabac at least. I'll try it with a different soap/cream sometime before I write it off as a failed experiment. It only cost £1 so it's no big loss.
I'm still struggling to get the RazoRock synthetic brush to whip up lathers with soaps, creams aren't a problem though.
As a result of the oil not being great and not getting the soap to lather very well I didn't have the greatest shave today, with a couple of weepers and burn on my neck.
Still, I managed a close shave.

It's stopped raining so I can get out with the dog, he's doing the "I want to go out 'dance"!!

Use the Argan Oil to finish off your shave not as a pre shave which looks to be destroying your lather.
Edwin Jagger DE89 plus Rapira Super Stainless #11; TOBS Almond plus badger brush; Woodhead Pottery scuttle and a moisturiser to finish.
Picked up sunburn these last few days so there was a perceptible change in the shave the last couple of days, possibly because of the dryer skin. Still a DFS so very happy with the combination.
My best SOTD so far, 2 passes & very smooth.

Pre shave - wash with Wickhams 1912 Cashmere soap (lovely). Hot water rinse, rubbed in bloom water from Kent soap, hot rinse & towel again.

Razor Feather Artist Club SS loaded with ProGuard Blade (# 3) for WTG pass & EJ DE89 3D for ATG
Brush from WildWestBrushworks with 24mm Cashmere Knot (super soft but with a great backbone)
Soap Kent (MWF)

Post shave Alum block, & the awesome BBA post shave balm & BBA shave oil on the fluff under my bottom lip.

Shaving for me used to be a real chore until I met you lovely lot, now its a pleasure. Thank you to all for helping me spend my money on something that was supposed to save me money :p


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