Royal Wedding


I watched the wedding this morning, and I was sorta disappointed not to see one of Kate's relatives in the mix somewhere. Yeah, there was no sign of Charles Middleton, which was a shame. I mean the guy was an Emperor for gosh sakes.

Maybe the flight from Mongo was too expensive, due to the fuel charges.



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I just caught a bit of the aftermath on the Beeb - some historian was saying that, until the arrival in Buckingham Palace of the other guest, the food was c**p. Apparently, in 1981, one course of the wedding lunch was lamb stuffed with salmon mousse. :?: I'm no food expert, but I like to think I have a sensitive palate, and that sounds bloody awful.
Pig Cat said:
I've just put Mrs PC's back up because I'm not interested in watching the wedding with her. I'd rather watch the snooker instead and she can't understand it. I'm not against the wedding but it's just not my bag.

I'm just back from a pleasant stroll around the Eildon Hills... only 350m of ascent and 12.5km but baking hot sun and very calm. No idea what SWMBO was up to.
Fido said:
slash said:
Fido said:
Olympics next. London will look good. As always.

Oops ........ Diamond Jublilee next June, before then.

Still be full of ignorant rude southern softies :D

You can't get much further South than the New Forest!

We know you don't mean it. If you did, I'm off to collect a few rude badgers to send up.

Classic Peter ....... love the rude badgers !!!!
I think Slash probably meant "ignorant" in its dialect rather than dictionary sense, which loosely translated is "too bloody self important to observe the social niceties". Now, if I remember rightly, it was Slash who suffered a particularly pointed example of this sort of "ignorance" at one of the well known London shaving emporia recently, where he was ignored for a long time. Given that any retail transaction in Yorkshire generally involves at least a rudimentary attempt at a conversation and a smile, perhaps you can see where he's coming from.
Just back from my old Man's.

Watched it all on telly with family - blokes in one room, women in another.

Even an old 1960's Communist and shop steward like my Dad can enjoy Royal weddings.
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