Royal Wedding

Skin Glider said:
Lets see if the "radicals" start acting up on the day...?


In my own experience ;) these so-called radicals are generally weak, lame and lazy middle class prats, still living at home with mama and papa who wouldn't say 'boo' to a goose unless the odds are 10:1 in their favour.

They stick a bandana on and think they're Che Gue-bloody-Vara. Muppets.

Hopefully a couple will step out of line and get the living what's-names pummelled out of them. I'd pay to watch that. That'll learn 'em to wind their bloody necks in, get a job and contribute to society rather than kicking out against anything and everything.

Radicals? Pah! I've shit 'em.

Phew, and breathe.
Skin Glider said:
lets see in the future who pops up claiming to have knobbed her....? :cool:

chances are William is not alone .

I think someone would have come forward by now, or no press would dare publish it if they had/did.

Skin Glider said:
For me she looks too skinny, the mother has the full in effect MILF look which many men would prefer

Hmm, I would. :lol:
Are they not married yet?

This has been dragging on for ages.

How're the rebels getting on in Libya?

I'm glad that my 50p is going to the royal family wedding and not some family of benifit scroungers........oh wait a minute.....DOH!!

On a shaving related note, do you think a party from Trumpers or Truefitt will be hopping across the park to Clarence House tomorow morning to make sure Wills and Harry are smooth chinned?

The only thing that really gets on my t!ts are the fawning, sickly sychophants known as 'Royal Watchers' and suchlike. Also a bit annoyed that the phrase 'commoner' is still acceptable in 21 century Britain.

Any London members, have fun tomorrow!!!
Regarding the cost of the Wedding, the official line from Clarence House is that the Royal Family and Middleton Family are paying for the actual wedding. The security and police for the large number of crowds expected will be paid by the government, just as any many other events which attracts large crowds in London.
I see that the latest Sky poll shows 66% support the Monarchy. If a political party had that level of support we would think it sensational.

I may be an old cynic about Royalty but I'll be watching tomorrow and sharing the joy of millions. Isn't it good to be happy about something in our world?
It's very nice indeed to see any source of innocent pleasure Fido. And, whilst I may be sceptical about any position you earn & work your way up to by being born in the correct bed I promise you I'm not yet so cynical that I would begrudge anyone an excuse for a party & some celebrations.

I just don't know whether I'm hoping the Household Brigade avoid soaking tunics & for the foot guard saturated bearskins ............. or whether they'll be better off with 2,000 layers of melted beeswax & polish running off the boots. God bless them anyway.

JohnnyO. \ :D <<< That's intended as a semi salutation (I'm bare headed as I type this). ;)
Fido said:
I see that the latest Sky poll shows 66% support the Monarchy. If a political party had that level of support we would think it sensational.

I may be an old cynic about Royalty but I'll be watching tomorrow and sharing the joy of millions. Isn't it good to be happy about something in our world?

I'm with you.
Kettle's on. Early breakfast and shave. Then on with the Tele. Feet up.

How I wish I could have joined 'em on the Mall during the cold of the night.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
At a time where plenty of shit things are happening, it's nice to have something pleasant to take our minds of things once in a while.

I'm getting quite sick of the "it's costing our business £xxx!!" moaners. If you were running your business better, you may have planned for this eventuality. Let's face it, you've had 5 months notice to work around it!

Enjoy the day. All of you.

God Save The Queen!

I've just put Mrs PC's back up because I'm not interested in watching the wedding with her. I'd rather watch the snooker instead and she can't understand it. I'm not against the wedding but it's just not my bag.
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