Royal Wedding

Arrowhead said:
I think Slash probably meant "ignorant" in its dialect rather than dictionary sense, which loosely translated is "too bloody self important to observe the social niceties". Now, if I remember rightly, it was Slash who suffered a particularly pointed example of this sort of "ignorance" at one of the well known London shaving emporia recently, where he was ignored for a long time. Given that any retail transaction in Yorkshire generally involves at least a rudimentary attempt at a conversation and a smile, perhaps you can see where he's coming from.

Love visiting london and all that goes with it but honestly find the folk down there rather strange :D As an example travelling around here on train you will have a laugh and a joke with anyone on train,london they all look like someones just died,and they rush around like they only have 10 mins left to live..and yes the service with a smile dont exist either..Oh and yer football teams are shite as well ;)
slash said:
Arrowhead said:
I think Slash probably meant "ignorant" in its dialect rather than dictionary sense, which loosely translated is "too bloody self important to observe the social niceties". Now, if I remember rightly, it was Slash who suffered a particularly pointed example of this sort of "ignorance" at one of the well known London shaving emporia recently, where he was ignored for a long time. Given that any retail transaction in Yorkshire generally involves at least a rudimentary attempt at a conversation and a smile, perhaps you can see where he's coming from.

Love visiting london and all that goes with it but honestly find the folk down there rather strange :D As an example travelling around here on train you will have a laugh and a joke with anyone on train,london they all look like someones just died,and they rush around like they only have 10 mins left to live..and yes the service with a smile dont exist either..Oh and yer football teams are shite as well ;)

I have to report from a Southerners perspective that you are very accurate regarding the friendliness bit. Never realised till doing a course in Blackpool, went into a pub in the sticks for a second time a week later and the Landlord greeted me by my Christian name. Could have knocked me over with a feather. Guess I was used to the strange Southern ways. :)
kev that is fkin awesome :lol:
Oh and you are all southern to us ok?
By the way two words for you all.... Kate's Mum. :mrgreen:
Friendliest and nicest people I've come across were in Bali. Everyone we met was absolutely lovely. A very poor country by our standards which to me proves that money doesn't make a great deal of difference.
Ah yes, the old it's friendlier up North coz we are nosier f**kers hypothesis. Only one thing to say to that....

Piss off and MYOB peasant. ;)

Which is I suspect exactly what Queeny was thinking about the in-laws.
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