Right then, be honest....

I am not putting any amounts in this thread whatsoever 'cos SWMBO has been keeping tabs on certain activities and I value my neck too much. :D
In three years, with the first year pretty low in activity, I reckon realistically somewhere around £1000 net. I have lots of blades and soaps but little in the way of expensive creams or razors. I have sold a lot of razors and blades and traded a lot if stuff. I've also benefited from and contributed to a lot of PIFs and the details of all those get a bit blurry.
Going forward I'm going to just buy the odd thing if it's cheap till the end of the year and see how I get on
I currently have 60+ razors, 16 brushes and about 1000 blades. Quite a few bottles of cologne, soaps and creams too.

I reckon I've spent a healthy four figure sum in total.
Net, including fragrances, around £600.

I should probably add that I now have 6 DEs, ~2000 blades, 4 cartridge razors, 1 straight and strop, 5 brushes, 5 soaps on the go but 14 different soaps in storage, 3 aftershaves and 6 fragrances.
Since December when I really got into things I have spent £154.52 Dont plan to spend much more in the near future but I would like to try other creams and have a tendency to buy stuff when its only a couple of pound so will probably do that on a few tubes of cream e.g. erasmic, ingrams, palmolive etc
hmm £120 on razors. (not including first as it was a gift.

probably £30 on blades (im more a straight razor guy)

at least £60 on soaps

£60 on hones etc

then £70 on brushs

all in the last year so around £350.

not much in the sceem of things. spent over £3-400 on sheetmusic last year based on 3-4 visits to music shop
Not sure to be honest. Maybe £700? since I started DE shaving last year.

Currently 21 razors, 3 brushes, 1200 blades, 6 soaps (sold off about 10 that weren't the best), 2 creams, 4 aftershaves (2 more on the way from Merica).

Other than the 2 razors in my signature, getting 4x gillette OC heads re-plated and a couple more after shaves (floid, clubman), I don't plan on buying anything else this year.
Tall_Paul said:
I currently have 60+ razors, 16 brushes and about 1000 blades. Quite a few bottles of cologne, soaps and creams too.

I reckon I've spent a healthy four figure sum in total.

LOL You should leave those aristocrat's alone :icon_razz:
I honestly don't know what i've spent prob between 800-1200 over the past 2'ish years i have sold some stuff and put the money back into other bits and bobs but as i had to pack in smoking which was just before getting back in to wet shaving the money was spent on something just as addictive but not detrimental to my health...
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