P&B v OSP v Wickhams

I think I agree with you. It doesn't smell like the soap to me though.
I do find a strong smell of some sort coming through.

Smell is an odd thing isn't it?
My son has a blank bit in his palette (Is it called a palette when it is scents?)
Just completely can't smell one type of smell.
Pretty good sense otherwise, just can't detect that one smell.
There was a soapy smell in some of the OSP soap samples I tested.

Not noticed anything in the finished product.

On a separate note, I didn't think much of the Fougere scent when I initially got it.

After a few uses it had grown on me and I really like it.

I have relatively hard water, but it's very easy to get a thick creamy lather.
It's one of the few soaps I will use when I am using Feather Artist Club as it provides excellent protection.
Are any of you finding that the "soapy" under smell overwhelms the fragrance in the OSP? This is the reason I sold mine on; the scents were lovely but I just couldn't get past the saopy undertones...
Performance wise top of the tree though...

Hiya Rowlers.

When I was testing my soap, I did have quite a strong soapy smell coming through. With the help of the testers though, I managed to remove a lot of this. However, some is inevitable. This is because I use unrefined and raw natural ingredients.

A lot of products nowadays are deodorised, but I would much rather go with the raw product that has none of the goodness removed or taken away, or messed with in any way.

Just thought I would let you know.
Hiya Rowlers.

When I was testing my soap, I did have quite a strong soapy smell coming through. With the help of the testers though, I managed to remove a lot of this. However, some is inevitable. This is because I use unrefined and raw natural ingredients.

A lot of products nowadays are deodorised, but I would much rather go with the raw product that has none of the goodness removed or taken away, or messed with in any way.

Just thought I would let you know.
I'd like to doff my proverbial cap to that decision :)
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I'd like to doff my proverbial cap to that decision :)
Me too.
I am more interested in function anyway and keep coming back to my OSP.
So, do we think it smells 'soapy'?
Is that the strong smell I get?
I am thinking I don't know what 'soap' smells like.
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Hiya Rowlers.

When I was testing my soap, I did have quite a strong soapy smell coming through. With the help of the testers though, I managed to remove a lot of this. However, some is inevitable. This is because I use unrefined and raw natural ingredients.

A lot of products nowadays are deodorised, but I would much rather go with the raw product that has none of the goodness removed or taken away, or messed with in any way.

Just thought I would let you know.
Good to know, and I admire your decision. I'm maybe just more sensitive to the undertones? Or maybe just odd :D
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That certainly is high praise Nick! Sounds like it's better than the unscented samples.
The performance is bang on with the samples (which makes sense given it is the same base), but the scent is so fresh and invigorating. Wakes you up in the morning, and would fit perfectly on a deserted tropical island :D You could say, I am over the moon with the soaps, but that would be an understatement. I'll share some interesting (to me anyway) stats I've been compiling on my soap collection in another post later on (don't want to detract from this thread) that gives some clue as to my findings :)
If you still have a traditional butcher in your area, ask him if you can have a sniff of some newly-rendered beef dripping. I think you'll find that what you are smelling is tallow. There will be a small amount of unrefined tallow remaining in the soap (by design) and the reacted potassium 'tallowate' smells quite similar.

Stirling soaps (a couple of years ago anyway) smelled like every scent had been mixed in a butcher's shop.

A small price to pay for tallow smoothness!
SOTD 11/3/16

Hot Towel, Phoenix & Beau Sanskrit, Body Shop Synthetic, Mongoose B3 Satin, Kai Captain (4), Cold Towel, Old Spice.

Final shave with the Mongoose was had this morning, I'll be sad to send it back to @globalm, but I am sure he'll enjoy having it back, it's a magnificent razor. Sanskrit performed as brilliantly as normal, that is to say without flaw. Today I finished off the shave with Old Spice aftershave because it matches with the scent of Sanskrit perfectly.

A great shave today with Wickham's 1912 prototype. This is definitely the closest I've found to the richly tallowed vintage soaps I enjoy using so much.
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