Maggie Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Exapno said:
A very well written piece by Russell Brand...

Yes excellent. Up until now I had little time for Mr Brand but this article has opened my eyes, not least because it is such a well-written piece.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Pig Cat said:
Exapno said:
A very well written piece by Russell Brand...

Yes excellent. Up until now I had little time for Mr Brand but this article has opened my eyes, not least because it is such a well-written piece.

That article has been brought to my attention via 3 seperate sources, so I had to read it (generally, 3 or more recommendations for anything warrants investigation, as far as I am concerned).

Even though I am older than brand, quite a lot of what he has written was quite resonant.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Thinking about her destructive legacy these past couple of days, the embers of my anger about so much of what she did are burning brightly once again!
Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Brand is still a tosser, at least Thatcher registered on others radars for both good and bad reasons. Having that ejit write about someone is like loosing a tenner and finding a pound, you look at it and you can still use it but it doesn't change your mind or your mood.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Rather than all being angry at your lot in life - sitting on your fat arses posting on the internet, on your swanky phones or lap-tops ... why not do something about it?

Oh, wait. what was that? you have too much to lose?

Ah, so things aren't THAT bad then, are they?

Always a pleasure.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Dr Rick said:
Back under your bridge, boyo. Nobody's going to play today.

What I'm saying is, why do people bother with such negative and destructive emotions?

What has happened has happened and there's nothing any of you can do about it. If there was ... you'd be doing it?

Your anger is simply wasted energy.

There must be a hundred much more pressing matters in people's lives? Surely to all the Gods?[/u]
Re: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

"If it's so bad why aren't you doing something" is facile and unworthy of you, Vinny. What are we to do? Vote? I do that, much good may it do me in this era of micro-distinctions between parties (her true legacy, as she said herself of Blair) and under a system that rewards minority views with absolute majorities. Start my own party? Even if that weren't futile, I have other things I want to do with my life. Talk to people and spread ideas? Well, that's what we're doing here, from our fat arses, isn't it.

It's not de facto destructive to care about things you can't change.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Anyway, about that rag-tag bunch of marxists/anarchists/new-age travellers/astro-gazers and other Doc Martens wearers - what were they doing popping the corks on bottles of bubbly? Don't they know that that kind of thing is reserved for rich capitalists, footballers and Formula 1 racing drivers? Haven't they got better things to splash their unemployment benefit and housing allowances on?
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

It's ok, don't panick. I've sent a letter and a very generous donation of five pounds towards her burial from all of the 1917 registered members of the forum.

This should, after taking the combined cost of the proceedings in regards to each member being 0.05 pence leave around four pound and four pence to put towards some flowers. I was thinking of maybe some nice roses.
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