M**tic fiftynine appreciation campaign

Some of Henk's soft soap and some of Sharon's cream plus a Fido brush would be awesome.

I could use those products all day long and they are small batch items made by TSR members. How cool is that?

I'll chip in £2.50.
Rev-O said:
Some of Henk's soft soap and some of Sharon's cream plus a Fido brush would be awesome.

I could use those products all day long and they are small batch items made by TSR members. How cool is that?

I'll chip in £2.50.

What the Rev. said. I think that would make it a gift from the appreciative members of this forum, with some products which are "personal" to us, which have been well received.

I'm in.


I just came across this thread. I offered Mantic some soap absolutely ages ago, but he can't use stuff with clay in it. So I said I'ld make him some without....and still haven't gotten round to it. :oops: :oops:
So I'm happy to contribute a jar of specially made soap without clay. I also enjoy his videos....which I know is very weird indeed. :?
Henk, any ideas of something easily available to add the extra slip???
Vic Flange said:
Do you think we could do something similar for another renowned shaving blogger?

pedro083 said:
As for the other blogger let me have a nice hot curry and i will produce his present all by myself. :shock:

Unfortunately it's illegal to send "filth" through the postal system, so you'd have to go and crap directly through his letterbox.

Anyone reading this with a sense of humour bypass, the above is satirical not an instruction :roll:
Hello Tony!

Thanks for your message. I very much appreciate your kind offer! As a matter of fact I have been pondering how to do a UK-centric video on inexpensive traditional shaving products and I was wondering how I might get ahold of some things that I can't get here. Would you consider sending me a few inexpensive items?

Wilkinson Sword Classic Safety Razor
Boots Safety Razor
Boots Shave Stick Refill
Boots Lather Shave Cream
Palmolive stick and cream, and Wilkinson shave brush from Tesco

As near as I can estimate the whole thing would be under £15--shipping to the US might be more than the products. Can you think of any other products that might be useful for my video idea? Should I include a few "mid-range" items like Speick? I should probably post a forum message asking for input, shouldn't I?


My reply included WS stick, Ingrams, DVH + Monsavon.

I think we should get him what he wants for the video from out of the fund, if there's anything left that could go towards a product from one of our artisans. I don't know what I can get locally so I will probably require some members to send some of the items that aren't available to me.
That's great Tony, and quite handy that his 'shopping list' is on the modest side. I'd love it if we could stretch to sending some extra 'artisan' products, and it looks like we should manage that.
Pig Cat said:
That's great Tony, and quite handy that his 'shopping list' is on the modest side. I'd love it if we could stretch to sending some extra 'artisan' products, and it looks like we should manage that.

Pig Cat said:
That's great Tony, and quite handy that his 'shopping list' is on the modest side. I'd love it if we could stretch to sending some extra 'artisan' products, and it looks like we should manage that.

I haven't done the addition yet but I'm not going to be completely rigid now there is an ulterior objective, if the artisan makers want to contribute one of their products I will include it, if you have one of the products listed and want to donate it I will consider it as payment and refund you the difference over and above £2.50 but let me first see what I can or cannot get.

23 "cash contributors" so far = £57.50

4 artisans (Henk, Blighty, Fido, Nanny) = I don't quite know yet.

I also know from Mark that he wanted some Speick, so there are "back up" products if there is any excess.

I understand the initial resistance to the contribution of "free" products from our vendors but that was when we just thinking of sending him ONLY those products. To be honest if Fido wants to contribute a brush I'm going to send it even though it couldn't possibly be within budget so the same rule applies to all vendors. If you want to contribute to Mantics package I will send it.
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