Lab Blue?

Yeah i'm waiting on a reply from Salon Supply. The one I had in the blue wrapper as a PIF was an excellent shave hence I want this sorted out because I want the real thing. Personna have clarified that they do not make the lab blue in a white wrapper and they are only made out of one factory. These are clearly not what they should be but will update once I have an answer..... they are defo not med preps as they would have 'hospital use' printed on them
Have you tried one? I'd be tempted to as you'll be able to know if they are duff when it feels like a Derby blade.
To be honest I have extremely sensitive skin and getting married next week so would rather not find out the hard way lol....... i think waiting for an answer is easier :)
Med preps generally come in a blue wrapper the same as the labs any way, the ones mentioned on B&B (which I now can't find) were a similar anomaly.

Perhaps it was a cock up at the factory and the wrong paper went into the wrapping machine.
I'm just waiting for an answer from SPILO who are the main distributor for the Personna blades to see if they can shed any light on either the blades or the company...... I've had contact from someone on here who also bought these blades from them and they arrived in the correct packaging..... strange to say the least
Hopefuly I will get an answer ASAP to bottom this out for everyone but Personna are pretty insistent that they do not manufacture in white wrappers and that has come direct from their factory in the US
Re: RE: Lab Blue?

*Sweeney Todd* said:
Hopefuly I will get an answer ASAP to bottom this out for everyone but Personna are pretty insistent that they do not manufacture in white wrappers and that has come direct from their factory in the US
I wouldn't hold my breath too much considering the enormous confusion ruling their Israeli products line, I think there was enough threads in B&B about wrappers of different colours and variations in the packages depending on the target market.
Personna have been absolutely spot on...... I had my first answer within 15 minutes. They the sent my picture to their production line in the US who sent back saying that they did not produce them in white wrappers and that they should only be wrapped in the blue wrapper with the writing on. They even gave me the details of the US distributor and confirmed within another 10 mins that Salon Supply Store do not buy direct from them so I really can't knock Personna for their speedy response
All of mine, lab blues, purchased at various intervals have blue wrappers and all are USA made. All have been great, yet to meet a duff one. Out of interest has the contact with Personna been with the USA or Israeli side of the business ?
Well, it's pretty clear to see who is going to get the blame, innit? Still, again.

We've had damned good shaves from white wrapped blades as well as the blue wrapped blades - and so the problem is .........?
If it helps, I don't believe for a second that they're not real. Why would a counterfeiter perfectly replicate the printing on the box and on the blades themselves, and not bother with the blade wrappers? It doesn't make sense.

Bearing in mind that Personna are known to make blades with white wrappers I think some sort of factory mix up is far more likely.

I would be very interested to hear if there are any further messages from Personna or Salon Supply Store though.
Yeah! you've gone this far so why not go all the way and get a definitive answer? Keep the paperwork though because every time this issue comes up - and it comes up regularly - there'll be folk won't believe you till you show them.

Good work - please keep at it.
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