BST thread closed...

Tim B said:
I normally pay utility bills etc on line or over the phone using a debit card. If I were to sell anything on BST I would prefer payment by cheque. Once the cheque has cleared I would then PM the buyer to let them know the item is on its way and use recorded delivery. Cheque payments take longer though.

The problem with cheques, as well as clearing time, is the opportunity to go to the bank to hand them in, for me this could be a few days of delay.

What's wrong with Bank Transfer? Nobody seems to want to use it. It's free AFAIK, it's instant and you are only giving the same information that is on a cheque.
I know rules is rules but am I missing something
If you pay paypal F&F and it goes wrong, then you should have followed the rules and tough. Pay the fees or bank transfer... Simples
But it's not my forum
fancontroller said:
What's wrong with Bank Transfer? Nobody seems to want to use it. It's free AFAIK, it's instant and you are only giving the same information that is on a cheque.

The problem with 'bank transfer' is that my bank treats it like opening a new customer account. That involves putting in all the transfer details, awaiting a 'security text' to verify that it's you that's doing the transfer, and to be honest. the whole process is laborious, long and a bit of a PIA! PayPal is a few clicks, quick, and so simple!!

Yes, it's free, but that not really the buyers problem - just like sellers the world over, where the 'retail price' includes the cost of sale, just price your item accordingly. (In shops, you don't pay extra at the till for lighting, heating, staff costs etc). If the seller wants to pay the price, great, if not, well there's always another buyer round the corner.

I guess you could then offer a small discount for Bank Transfer. Remember the olden days when credit cards were 1st introduced and shops offered you discount for cash? That because the credit card company takes a cut of the sale, that's how their business model works... PayPal is a glorified 'credit card' company, but the convenience for online trade is excellent.
Clearly, person or persons unknown to us have been giving Boab and the Mods a hard time and causing Admin headaches. Boab has imposed a collective 'punishment' and drawn our attention to The Rules. Simples! Abide by The Rules or BST gets shut down. Simples!

What goes on by PM is a Private Matter and has no recourse to Boab and the Mods to act as parent. Grown men will sort themselves out and boys will weep - but leave Boab and the Mods alone. Simples!

I've had nothing but good experience in BST and remain happy to deal openly and honestly with other members. I've also participated in, as well as organising, Group Buys and again have had nothing but open and honest dealings. Long may the trust in TSR continue.
Cheques are a thing of the past and should be scrapped, Paypal is the way to go, you can even send it from your phone, and you get the protection for pennies. I never pay by debit card either, as i dont think you have the same protection as Paypal protection if anything goes wrong.

Lets have a sellers section, a bit like Ebay, where buyers can leave feedback, gives an idea of how good a seller is.
I'm guessing here but I imagine the reason the BST rules states No Paypal Gifts is a protection for the site owners against potential claims from Paypal.

In any event, given that the instruction is explicit, no-one should be asking for payment on any other basis in their thread.

Personally, I find bank transfer only marginally more inconvenient than Paypal - but I don't have the issues StephenShave has experienced when arranging a transfer.
It's a real shame that whatever brought all this on couldn't be sorted out between buyer and seller without getting the mods involved. I've had nothing but extremely positive experiences buying, selling or trading on BST.

I personally have both paid and received funds via PayPal Gift (as well as by the regular PayPal route). Whenever I have paid by 'gift' it has always been without the request or insistence from the seller. When selling I have always given the buyer the option via PM, i.e. a delivered price for paying by cash, bank transfer or PP Gift, and a different price to include PP fees if that is how they wish to pay. In hindsight that was probably bending the rules and for the sake of keeping BST up and running I am more than happy to list one inclusive price from now on, regardless of method of payment.
Most sales here are individual brushes, razors, 100 packs of blades within mainland UK.
Really, is it so hard for sellers just to add £5 or £6 on to the money they want & put inc Paypal fees & 1st class signed for delivery in their listings?
FrankieG said:
It's a real shame that whatever brought all this on couldn't be sorted out between buyer and seller without getting the mods involved. I've had nothing but extremely positive experiences buying, selling or trading on BST.

I personally have both paid and received funds via PayPal Gift (as well as by the regular PayPal route). Whenever I have paid by 'gift' it has always been without the request or insistence from the seller. When selling I have always given the buyer the option via PM, i.e. a delivered price for paying by cash, bank transfer or PP Gift, and a different price to include PP fees if that is how they wish to pay. In hindsight that was probably bending the rules and for the sake of keeping BST up and running I am more than happy to list one inclusive price from now on, regardless of method of payment.

Well said Frankie.

I'll add my tuppence worth too, if I may be afforded the indulgence. Without reservation, I can say I have never had any issue on BST whether as a Buyer or Seller. Perhaps, naively, I thought we all played by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. Aren't we all supposed to be gentlemen here?

Given this appears to be a fairly tight-knit community, if there were any BST Shysters among us, no doubt they would have been exposed by now. As noted above, the 'name and shame' section is comfortingly devoid of entries.

At the end of the day, I don't want to speculate as to the who / what / why / where / when of the underlying events which ultimately compelled the Mods to take the extreme action on the (hopefully not too long-lasting) suspension of BST, BUT, as a gent, 'rules is rules' as they say and, if and when normal BST service is resumed, I shall be particularly mindful to ensure that I unequivocally comply with the same.

Good wishes to all!
ollie9091 said:
I know rules is rules but am I missing something
If you pay paypal F&F and it goes wrong, then you should have followed the rules and tough. Pay the fees or bank transfer... Simples
But it's not my forum

Direct Bank Transfer isn't protected either.
I think I am guilty of paying sellers by F&F. However, I trust the seller most of the dealings I've had have been with long-standing members. It seems as with everyone else I'm learning a lesson never to do this again.
I fail to see why the entire membership should be punished for a few errant members. I've traded and PIF'ed a lot of stuff. I'll still do this, but with in full compliance with the rules.
I hope normal service is resumed soon. I like to see what bargains can be had from fellow members.
Bechet45 said:
Clearly, person or persons unknown to us have been giving Boab and the Mods a hard time and causing Admin headaches. Boab has imposed a collective 'punishment' and drawn our attention to The Rules. Simples! Abide by The Rules or BST gets shut down. Simples!

What goes on by PM is a Private Matter and has no recourse to Boab and the Mods to act as parent. Grown men will sort themselves out and boys will weep - but leave Boab and the Mods alone. Simples!

I've had nothing but good experience in BST and remain happy to deal openly and honestly with other members. I've also participated in, as well as organising, Group Buys and again have had nothing but open and honest dealings. Long may the trust in TSR continue.

The other complaint is of hijacking and devaluing threads where the seller may have little choice but to officially complain, again the rules are quite clear on this matter.
antdad said:
The other complaint is of hijacking and devaluing threads where the seller may have little choice but to officially complain, again the rules are quite clear on this matter.
I have seen only one instance of devaluation in recent history and it was a case where the seller had set a price so high as to be derisory. A number of members weighed in on this, clealry motivated to prevent a naive buyer falling into a trap. Probably noble motives but an infringement of rules nonetheless.

There are quite a few instances of irrelevent commentary however, and, as interesting as these can be, they would be against the rules.

What seems surprising about this suspension of BST ( and I'm not complaining) is that all this unfortunate action seems to have taken place 'beneath the surface' as I do not remember any exchanges between member on BST which looked like a falling out or argument was in progress.

Most unfortunate!
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