BST thread closed...

fly3k said:
I've always paid by gift on the bst here. I loathe giving any money to PayPal. If your looking for a UK bst there is one on Facebook.
Steve you are not paying Paypal - it's the seller who pays commission - you just decide whether the price asked is right for you.

Like a few others I don't understand why people put a selling price and then ask for commission on top - keep it simple and ask for the total including fees and postage so that the purchaser knows exactly what he has to pay.
Re: RE: BST thread closed...

StephenShave said:
pjgh said:
Shame, indeed. Surely it's easy enough just to put the price you want as a seller, which includes the postage to get the item to the buyer and any fees which may be incurred for the means by which the buyer pays. If the buyer sends cash, well, so be it ... sends as a gift by PP, so be it ... makes a bank transfer, so be it. The price stated should be the price that the buyer pays - no further amounts required.

If something goes wrong in between, well, as adults we should be able to resolve that. The forum and its moderators are not involved in the sale and should not be called upon to mediate.

Likewise, the method of payment should be agreed between the buyer and seller in private. Paypal does not suit some folks. Bank transfer may be preferred, cash might well be, meet up and hand over maybe. Again, adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves.

As for recourse when things go wrong, well, that is down to the buyer and the seller. Yes, the buyer might well be peeved if the seller simply says it's not his fault, but (again) as adults, we really ought to be able to sort this out. Any decent seller would refund and deal with the matter himself with the courier. I would think.

Furthermore, if the item is not as expected, well (again) that is between buyer and seller. I sold a razor recently that I'd actually never put together. I thought it was good, sold it in good faith but upon arrival it simply did not tighten up and hold a blade correctly. I asked the buyer how he wanted it handled (refund or return for maintenance) and agreed to take the item back to have a look myself. I refunded his return postage, cleaned out the crap from the threads, polished it up and send it back ... offered the full refund again, since I reckoned it would now sell for more, but he wanted the razor :D

Adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves ...

I really don't like the idea of rules. You're getting the idea that I tend towards folks making deals between themselves. I rather like the banter that goes on in the threads, folks popping up to give a little bump or to comment on how generous the price is or say how nice the item is ... clearly, folks are also doing the reverse which is not cool at all. That sort of thing should be absolutely private and by PM. The item, its condition and the price is the prerogative of the seller. If it's a crusty piece of overpriced rubbish, well, it won't sell ... simple. If there is something glaringly wrong with the item and that is not specified, well, take it up privately.

If there genuinely are folks taking the piss or simply being gits about sales going bad, well, there is the name and shame thread ... but again, dirty laundry is always nasty to look at and folks to decide if that is what they want to do.

I hope the BST comes back. I know I like to sell items here. I like to buy items here. I think it is a really good focal point for the folks here to try, move on, pass around, buy, sell, give away - it's good.

Paul, nice to see a huge dollop of common sense articulated so well...
MrK1 said:
StephenShave said:
pjgh said:
Shame, indeed. Surely it's easy enough just to put the price you want as a seller, which includes the postage to get the item to the buyer and any fees which may be incurred for the means by which the buyer pays. If the buyer sends cash, well, so be it ... sends as a gift by PP, so be it ... makes a bank transfer, so be it. The price stated should be the price that the buyer pays - no further amounts required.

If something goes wrong in between, well, as adults we should be able to resolve that. The forum and its moderators are not involved in the sale and should not be called upon to mediate.

Likewise, the method of payment should be agreed between the buyer and seller in private. Paypal does not suit some folks. Bank transfer may be preferred, cash might well be, meet up and hand over maybe. Again, adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves.

As for recourse when things go wrong, well, that is down to the buyer and the seller. Yes, the buyer might well be peeved if the seller simply says it's not his fault, but (again) as adults, we really ought to be able to sort this out. Any decent seller would refund and deal with the matter himself with the courier. I would think.

Furthermore, if the item is not as expected, well (again) that is between buyer and seller. I sold a razor recently that I'd actually never put together. I thought it was good, sold it in good faith but upon arrival it simply did not tighten up and hold a blade correctly. I asked the buyer how he wanted it handled (refund or return for maintenance) and agreed to take the item back to have a look myself. I refunded his return postage, cleaned out the crap from the threads, polished it up and send it back ... offered the full refund again, since I reckoned it would now sell for more, but he wanted the razor :D

Adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves ...

I really don't like the idea of rules. You're getting the idea that I tend towards folks making deals between themselves. I rather like the banter that goes on in the threads, folks popping up to give a little bump or to comment on how generous the price is or say how nice the item is ... clearly, folks are also doing the reverse which is not cool at all. That sort of thing should be absolutely private and by PM. The item, its condition and the price is the prerogative of the seller. If it's a crusty piece of overpriced rubbish, well, it won't sell ... simple. If there is something glaringly wrong with the item and that is not specified, well, take it up privately.

If there genuinely are folks taking the piss or simply being gits about sales going bad, well, there is the name and shame thread ... but again, dirty laundry is always nasty to look at and folks to decide if that is what they want to do.

I hope the BST comes back. I know I like to sell items here. I like to buy items here. I think it is a really good focal point for the folks here to try, move on, pass around, buy, sell, give away - it's good.

Paul, nice to see a huge dollop of common sense articulated so well...
I'm sorry to hear that people have had bad experiences on this forum as I have had nothing but good ones. It's not nice if someone takes you for a ride, especially when the overall nature of this forum is Gentlemanly Conduct, at least that's the way I perceive it.

When selling items recently I may have appeared to break the rules, although I prefer bend.

My items were listed minus fees or postage. Why?

Depends on how you want them posted or how many items you want. Should I list every item with a £2.80 mark up for postage? I thought it best let people pick multiple items at good prices then decided if they want £2.80 2nd class up to 1Kg, or pay more for tracked, first class etc.

I also let people know that their PayPal fee would be, but informed them that they could avoid this by using the friends and family option.

This is the bit where I see I have broken the rules, but it is the buyers choice regarding how trustworthy they believe I am. If they wanted protection they would pay. The kicker? I don't know which option they chose and don't care as I am honest.

I can only apologise if my interpretation and aim to save people money has caused an issue.
MrK1 said:
StephenShave said:
pjgh said:
Shame, indeed. Surely it's easy enough just to put the price you want as a seller, which includes the postage to get the item to the buyer and any fees which may be incurred for the means by which the buyer pays. If the buyer sends cash, well, so be it ... sends as a gift by PP, so be it ... makes a bank transfer, so be it. The price stated should be the price that the buyer pays - no further amounts required.

If something goes wrong in between, well, as adults we should be able to resolve that. The forum and its moderators are not involved in the sale and should not be called upon to mediate.

Likewise, the method of payment should be agreed between the buyer and seller in private. Paypal does not suit some folks. Bank transfer may be preferred, cash might well be, meet up and hand over maybe. Again, adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves.

As for recourse when things go wrong, well, that is down to the buyer and the seller. Yes, the buyer might well be peeved if the seller simply says it's not his fault, but (again) as adults, we really ought to be able to sort this out. Any decent seller would refund and deal with the matter himself with the courier. I would think.

Furthermore, if the item is not as expected, well (again) that is between buyer and seller. I sold a razor recently that I'd actually never put together. I thought it was good, sold it in good faith but upon arrival it simply did not tighten up and hold a blade correctly. I asked the buyer how he wanted it handled (refund or return for maintenance) and agreed to take the item back to have a look myself. I refunded his return postage, cleaned out the crap from the threads, polished it up and send it back ... offered the full refund again, since I reckoned it would now sell for more, but he wanted the razor :D

Adults really should be able to figure this out for themselves ...

I really don't like the idea of rules. You're getting the idea that I tend towards folks making deals between themselves. I rather like the banter that goes on in the threads, folks popping up to give a little bump or to comment on how generous the price is or say how nice the item is ... clearly, folks are also doing the reverse which is not cool at all. That sort of thing should be absolutely private and by PM. The item, its condition and the price is the prerogative of the seller. If it's a crusty piece of overpriced rubbish, well, it won't sell ... simple. If there is something glaringly wrong with the item and that is not specified, well, take it up privately.

If there genuinely are folks taking the piss or simply being gits about sales going bad, well, there is the name and shame thread ... but again, dirty laundry is always nasty to look at and folks to decide if that is what they want to do.

I hope the BST comes back. I know I like to sell items here. I like to buy items here. I think it is a really good focal point for the folks here to try, move on, pass around, buy, sell, give away - it's good.

Paul, nice to see a huge dollop of common sense articulated so well...

I agree too, well said Paul!! I've never used BST but love looking at all the goodies for sale and trade.
Paul, I agree with your comments wholeheartedly.
Like many on here I have paid for and received payment as a gift in the knowledge that their is no protection
I have never had any problems. I sent an item recently that got damaged in the post and immediately offered and paid a full refund to the buyer. Fit and proper thing to do. Most on here abide by Gentlemans rules. Shame that this has come to this.
I for one hate paying fees to Paypal, banks etc call it what you will.
i have only had 1 transaction on the BST and it was a sub £10 jobby. i think it was a pp gift as well. i didnt give it a second thought as i dont recall ever seeing an example of a duff deal or any buyer/seller conflict. it is a pretty decent and well mannered site in general, i do understand why it makes sense to have the paypal piece of mind on expensive purchases though. lets hope its a short term suspension and lessons are learned =) be a real shame to see this gone.
Bought 3 items off here very recently, guess they are going to arrive as all 3 sellers have posted on this thread!
TBH first thing i did was check the name and shame thread which was empty and locked.
Also thought it unusual it seemed there never had been any problems, any forum i've used has had/does have issues.
The name and shame thread should be unlocked and used IMHO
I normally pay utility bills etc on line or over the phone using a debit card. If I were to sell anything on BST I would prefer payment by cheque. Once the cheque has cleared I would then PM the buyer to let them know the item is on its way and use recorded delivery. Cheque payments take longer though.
Holyzeus said:
...TBH first thing i did was check the name and shame thread which was empty and locked.
Also thought it unusual it seemed there never had been any problems, any forum i've used has had/does have issues.
The name and shame thread should be unlocked and used IMHO


Why is it there otherwise?
Don't post on a thread unless you are involved in a transaction or are requesting further information.
I'll admit, I'm guilty of this. If someone has something really nice for sale at a great price but I'm not interested, then i'll post something like "great ***, seller is a great guy to buy from." Guess no more witty banter either.

No Paypal Gifts.
I guess I'm guilty of this one too.
I took this to mean "Seller must never request paypal gift payments." I buy/sell/trade a lot, and if I'm buying an item from someone whom I trust and I've had transactions in the past then I have no problems sending payment as "friends/family gift".
If I am seller, all my prices are inclusive of the paypal fees and I leave it up to the buyer to determine if I'm trustworthy enough to warrant a 'gift' or not. I don't get upset either way.
Once (on another forum far far away...), I sent a seller a PM saying I wanted an item he had listed for $20. He responded saying it was mine and gave me his paypal info. I had not bought from this gent before so I sent payment as a normal payment (with fees deducted). The seller complained saying "I said $20, why did you only send $19.**?" He then refunded my money (minus fees) and sold it to someone else.
That is why I always list my items for sale inclusive of PP fees so there's no misunderstanding. But I always use the 'gift' method between friends, accepting full responsibility if the transaction goes badly.

If you want to make an offer then do so by PM and post in the thread to that effect 'PM Sent' will suffice
I don't always post "PM sent" in the thread. In my opinion this clutters the thread. Just because I send a PM, doesn't mean the item is now not for sale. ;)
Holyzeus said:
Bought 3 items off here very recently, guess they are going to arrive as all 3 sellers have posted on this thread!
TBH first thing i did was check the name and shame thread which was empty and locked.
Also thought it unusual it seemed there never had been any problems, any forum i've used has had/does have issues.
The name and shame thread should be unlocked and used IMHO

and it should arrive this morning ....:icon_razz:
Dobbo25 said:
rolatruck said:
rm2000 said:
As a buyer, it's not even possible to pay for the fees, so the price should include PayPal fees.

If you google paypal fee calculator uk, you can enter the price you pay for the item, it then gives you the cost of the fees, you then pay that total amount on paypal payment page, and the seller get the price they are selling at.

Saying that, it would be easier if the seller included the paypal fee in the price of the item they were selling.

I've posted this link a few times for forum members, so here it is again :)
What a useful piece of information, which i have filed away.

I like many hope the BST returns, prices asked seem fair,but complicated by fees & Postage. Fair way seems for seller to include fees/ postage in asking price, even if as i would have to do get item trial weighed at Post Office,to determine postage rates.

Particularly miffed as i have DE blades to sell. and need to thin out recent over zealous SE purchases, including a Streamline.
I too am guilty of using PP gift on occasion - but at my own choice (like many others) If i feel the amount is small enough or I'm happy to trust the seller due to previous dealings.
I really don't see the issue as long as the seller is not asking/insisting for it to be sent as gift. Then any problems encountered are your own issue to discuss with the other person in the transaction.

I've never had an issue with any sales on here - the good will of the forum generally is one of the reasons I frequent it.
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