Anyone any experience of CJB Kamisori razors?

Blade group buy list -

1) Barlines - paid
2) Tony.T - paid
3) Tonyspurs - paid (X2 packs)
4) Heroblob - paid
5) DavidB - paid
6) Brianpilman - paid (razor + 3xblades)
Ill put a closing date on the blade group buy for 24/5/13 if everyone is happy with that, dont want to keep those that have paid waiting too long.
If you havent put the order in yet I will take a pack of the blades if I can. No worries if I am too late as I can wait to see if you order them again. If you let me know via pm I will get payment over to you straight away
markj113 said:
shanky887614 said:
how much ya selling them for again mate?

blades are £7 + £1 p&p

razors themselfs i mean,

ive got a temp set of scales on mine and im going to make a nice set tomorrow and then probably keep it and buy another cjb. not sure if i want the hassle of ordering direct from korea again
I ordered one of these from ebay, then I found this thread. I am brand new to the world of shaving with anything other than a disposable gillete. I have read that a schick injector would also fit this handle (only thing is , the blade doesn't cover the head fully) and that they were better to learn with. I got a nice brush, soap, alum, and bowl from that Italian outfit and a bottle of shave secret pre-shave oil.
Very first shave was out of this world. Can't wait to learn and get better. WOW!!!!!
Mrm1775 said:
I ordered one of these from ebay, then I found this thread. I am brand new to the world of shaving with anything other than a disposable gillete. I have read that a schick injector would also fit this handle (only thing is , the blade doesn't cover the head fully) and that they were better to learn with. I got a nice brush, soap, alum, and bowl from that Italian outfit and a bottle of shave secret pre-shave oil.
Very first shave was out of this world. Can't wait to learn and get better. WOW!!!!!

you would do better with feather blades mate, this is a feather clone after all
I'm waiting for the feather blades to get here. I was able to pick these others up locally. Still the best shave I have ever had, and only one small nick. My face feels wonderful, can't wait to-get the feathers. If it is this good on the first, #12 should be really good.
3rd use of the CJB blade....and still going strong. To me they are more similar to the Kai Mild blades.... but then I normally use the Feather Super Professionals.
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