A motor cycle for a mature gentleman - don't laugh!

Isle of Man here I come. And not for the brushes!

My God! You´ve got sunshine in the Forest :D Looks like you´re ready for some rumble on da rock (Isle of Man).
Please god let that biker jacket have "Boy" written on the back. Enjoy Peter.

Well Peter this has been an interesting journey for you:

I've seen you go from walking in the Forest,

to cycling,

to motor cycling,,


you'll be getting a car :lol:

enjoy, and don't fall off.
regards, beejay
Fido said:
Things are going well.

I'm being careful. Bit miffed to be overtaken by a milk float in Ringwood today.

Wait until he gets near the end of his round the batteries will be flat by then and you can get your own back....... :p :p
I would love to have an old British 2 Stroke small bike something like a bantam or Francis Barnett or James, also got to use castrol R.
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