SOTD: Saturday 16th Sep 2017 - Friday 22nd Sep 2017

Monday's shave :)

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's Cold Tar Soap face wash.
Razor - Blackland Sabre-SE
Blade - GEM PTFE (Day 7).
Soap - Jack Black Supreme Cream Shaving Cream.
Bowl - Little Wren.
Brush - Simpsons Duke 2 Best Badger.
Post shave - Myrsol "Lemon" Post Shave Splash, followed by Ibiza-Aloe Aloe Vera Gel.

A very pleasing 2 pass shave, BBS finish.

I shaved with the Supply-SE on Saturday and Sunday - again excellent 3 pass shaves, now that I have the angle dialed in. I only needed a 2 pass shave this morning.

I have finished my pot of Executive Shaving Natural Shave Cream. Decided to open the Jack Black Supreme Cream Shaving Cream. I am finding it difficult to get a decent lather with this cream. First attempt, resulted in a watery foam - although the cream performed well, good glide and cushioning. Today, using less water and more cream, it was hard to get the cream to foam up. However, the cream still performed well.

The Sabre-SE is an excellent razor - no complaints. My feeling is that the Supply-SE provides a smoother and closer shave over 3 passes, compared with the Sabre. That said, the Supply-SE is almost to easy to use - on a par with the OneBlade. I am finding the Sabre-SE is more fun to use - it requires more concentration and discipline. As ever, YMMV :)

All the best,

Date: 19 September 2017 is 6:30am in West of London

Pre: - Cold Water straight from the tap
Brush: - RazoRock Plissoft Big Bruce Synth. 26/63mm knot
Lather: - Palmolive Classic Shave Stick (european version grated into a plastic tub)
Razor: - Gillette Ball End Tech 1946-50
Blade: - Gillette Silver Blue #2
Post: - Thayers Witch Hazel 'Unscented' / Bulldog Original Aftershave Balm
Fragrance: - Hugo Boss Intense EDT
Morning gentlemen,
This is actually last nights shave report but due to unforeseen home made strawberry wine I was unable to post.
Anyways, it was an awesome shave!!!!
Totally BBS no nicks or irritation.
My first use of the gentleman's face care club cream, it really is as good as people say. Incredibly smooth, cushioning and slick , it also leaves your skin feeling moisturised.
The cream paired with the Rockwell and a new nacet blade was sure to be a winner from the off.
My only regret was drinking too much home made wine.:confused:
Executive shave pre shave oil
Rockwell razor
Nacet blade #1
Gentleman's face care club cream
Razorock Italian barber synthetic brush
Sterling's as balm
Parfum de Marley Herod.
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Great choice on the final scent (Marley Herod), @vassili . Now all we need is your secret family recipe for home made strawberry wine ;).
Evening shave.

Lucky Tiger Face Scrub, BBA Shave Oil, bloom water.
P&B Spitfire.
Maseto 30mm 2 Band Finest (face lathered).
Gillette Fatboy (5).
Vintage Gillette Super Stainless (1).
Thayers Witch Hazel (unscented).
Extro Tobacco Aftershave/EDT.
Aloe Vera Gel.

First use of a vintage Gillette blade thanks to the ever generous Martin aka @dodgy. The blade felt a little tuggy for the first pass, but seemed to get smoother as the shave progressed. Is this common for such a blade? Anyway, by the third pass the shave was very comfortable, and I achieved a BB smooth face without the need for any pick-ups. So I'm expecting the next couple of shaves with this razor/blade combination to be very good indeed. By the way, are these the blades that are sometimes referred to as 'spoilers'? Cheers chaps.
G'day Barry. I can indeed confirm that the phenomena you describe is very common with vintage blades. There are many theories on this matter, and I have put some time and analysis into the issue, including laboratory analysis and observation (a perk of my profession). My conclusion is that it is not due to micro-corrosion of the blade edge, but a build-up/deterioration of the synthetic coating and/or other detritus that has accumulated on the blade edge over time. It sloughs away after the first shave, and the quality of the shave usually improves. To mitigate this issue, I lightly strop a new blade a few times on a hard rubber mat lubricated with lather.
Regarding the blades, the Super Stainless blades were prominent in the mid-late '60s, and came in several variants. The were succeeded by the renounced "Spoiler" in around '74 as far as I can ascertain. A personal favourite of mine in the Super Stainless range is the "Aussie Spoiler", made in my home country of Australia. All the blades listed are excellent performers.
Here are some examples:-

SOTD: 19th September 2017.
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Cien~ Green Kick Shower Gel & Shampoo.


warm wet flannel to my face.

Wilkinsons Fruits ~ Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Semogue 1438 .

Face Lathering.

Soap : Erasmic Soap Bowl .

Blade: Voskhod Teflon Coated . (1)

Razor: Parker 48R .

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Alum Block./Lemon+Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture. /Old Spice ~ Original A/S.

Nivea Men ~ Sensitive Cooling Post Shave Balm.


A wonderful 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report..the Erasmic shave bowl today performed with excellence..

When i first introduced myself to traditional wet shaving in 2016, one of my first soap's that i added to my shaving den was the Erasmic soap bowl (old formula),The new " improved formula" is good,but i personally prefer the old one..the post shave feeling is superb..

My face is feeling ultra smooth & smelling devine.;)

Enjoy your day, ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
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Tuesday 19th SEptember

Birch Tar Soap
Groomed Facial Scrub
3P Preshave Cream
Valobra Shave Stick
Yaqi 24mm Synthetic Brush
PAL Injectomatic with a Personna Blade
Alum Block and Rinse
Homemade Buttermix
Blue Stratos AS

Sunday's shave with the E2 was so good...I missed out yesterday to get back into my morning routine.
Three passes with the PAL for a BBS shave.

Have a great day folks!
image.jpg ~SOTD-~ 19th September Tuesday shower and face wash with olive oil soap
Razor...Cobra Classic
Blade....Feather pro
Soap....Valbora stick
Brush....Razorock Big Bruce
Post....BBA PSB
Scent....Amber Absoloute , Tom ford...............................copy

Not a good shave, I can't remember the last time I had a shave as bad as this. Thank goodness for BBA Post Shave Balm.

Have a good day but let's be careful out there.....:)
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