Will you outlive your blades?

All it takes is one of your faves disappearing from production without a ready stash on hand before you start hoarding

The old blue wrappered 7 O'clock Super Platinums did that to me. I like the black wrappered ones well enough, but the blues almost seemed magical.
I could happily buy a thousand now. There are a few that jump to mind instantly that I'd buy in a heartbeat.
I never seem to get to the point where enough is enough.

Hiya buddy,

Man, you and me both when it comes to coveting blades, although The Crazy has hit you much harder....heh. Like you, many vintage blades (DE/injector) are always on my radar screen looking for a blip. Matter of fact I just lost a bid onna nice 50 year old Wilkinson lot of 120. Somehow I wasn't too upset, seeing as how there was zero need to buy em for my own use and woulda just passed em along to members.

Yeah, I have more than a few old timey blades to last my life out ( I'm thinking at least a year's worth....heh)

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I have enough blades, mainly Dorco, for the next 11 years, so my blades will probably out live me. Same situation for shaving soap and creams.

Blades are not an issue but I wonder and worry about my fountain pens, watches, paintings and other things, I have no family, I fear that they will just be thrown away.

Make a will....
If you are older than I am, consider passing on the fountain pens to me, friend.
Absolutely not, I need never buy another blade again and that's the same with soaps.
I bought all of the above before the cost of living crisis so therefore even if I never get to use them all I will have still saved money.
All my shaving gear will be passed on to a few lucky people on TSR if they are lucky enough to outlive me!



Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, all of our shaving possessions will eventually find their way to the Emporium.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, all of our shaving possessions will eventually find their way to the Emporium.
Haha, yes Chris is a young man and I expect he will outlive me by 20 year's or so, I will make sure he gets a chunk of my shaving supplies!
I've nobody in my family that will have the slightest interest in any of it. I must think about making a will before it's too late!
Take care my friend.

Same here. I'd like my Goya stuff to go to the museum in Amersham where their final offices were based. Their website has details of an exhibition they did on Goya a few years ago.

I would probably divide up everything else between a few members on here if they're still around when I'm very much not!
I'm sure the museum would love your Goya collection, great idea.
And your final PIF of your shaving gear will make a few members very happy, after all , you can't take it with you!
