What is the Worst Brush you ever used?

Carl liked and continues to like it very much! Thank you, Paul. I used it this morning with a new American soap - Shipwright or Badgerwright or somesuch - Pirate Bay - and it gave me an excellent lather, as always.

I'll go and look for that chip now - I haven't noticed it!!
I grabbed a no-name brush from a Turkish market. Maybe boar or horse hair? I'm not too sure what hair it was. What I am sure of, is that über prickly, floppy, stinky brushes that don't lather for love nor money are not my thing.
This is probably the same as one on my Favourites List - not bad for £1.50.
My personal experience with synthetics has been all bad, although I am the first to admit I have perhaps only tried the worst there are! I gave away two body shop brushes, I think I described the knots at the time as ideal for naughty schoolboys to have a lather flicking contest with! My second dabble was with a monstrous Frank shaving brush with a knot about 3inches across and a handle as thick as my wrist! (ok slight exaggeration) but I think the knot was about 28mm; absolutely ram rod stiff impossible to bend or flex at all.

I am sure; judging by the amount of you well informed folk out there using them, that there are good ones but I have not tried them, perhaps I should?

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Oh, I almost forgot. The Turkish No.6 Boar/Horse or whatever the heck it was. Folk raved about them here, there and everywhere so I ordered two. To describe them as utter pish would be an affront to urine! Regardless of their very low cost, I'd rather go back to canned gloop as they were a complete waste of materials, time and energy in manufacturing them. Split handles, glue bumps the size of the Scott Monument (one of them had glue going from the bump all the way to the tips on one side, the other was a 'doughnut') and wonky knots filled with the most vile smelling arse hair I've ever had the displeasure to sniff. Scrubbier than a rusty brillo pad - you'd be better off lathering with barbed wire! Murder polis!!!

Ahh, that's better. Always good to vent....
Greetings Graeme

I quite liked my Turkish No. 6 but to be fair I probably got a good one, I gave it to my daughters partner with an Edwin Jagger razor as an introduction to traditional shaving and he has been using both ever since, I have lined up a nice badger for him for Christmas! I am 99% sure they are Boar bristle and not horse, I suppose at 2 quid a brush the quality control is likely to be 'somewhat lacking' or in our language, fucking shite!
Nice to read you are back in top form again Graeme!

One could simply have said, "Really rather rotten."

However, "Fucking shite!", is so much more descriptive and contains just the right amount of vitriol to convey my feelings towards said brush. Glad you got a good 'un, Dick. Good 'uns should go to good 'uns...

I was once told by an old manageress (can I still say that word or is it out-of-date and sexist?) that I'd live to a ripe old age because only the good die young. She meant it with a double underline and in bold with at least two exclamation marks. And I thought she was warming to me....

As L. Martino would say, "Sheesh!"
You recognise that as warped thinking or story-telling, don't you, Graeme? Go take your pills.

Two things to smoke on - you are one of life's good guys and no, you can't say manageress any more, because, yes, it is sexist. I think Queen is the only sex derived job title left - apart from King, obviously. Princes and Princesses, Duchesses. Worker's titles must be non-sexist and the nobility are still sexist. Clarinetistess was plain stupid. I don't think we ever had that many trombonistesses to worry about.
Could be a perception thing. Maybe if you haven't tried a good one you have nothing to compare them against. Still if you're happy maybe it's best not to fall down that rabbit hole.
So why do all the immigrants want to come to Europe - apart from not getting blown up and shot and such, I mean. I think it's because they know what good is without ever having actually experienced it.
But, but, but, I took my pills earlier, honest....

Ok, instead of 'manageress' please insert 'nasty auld fishwife'. There non-sexist at last. What? She was a woman and smelled vaguely of fish. I'd have rather lathered up with the No.6 though and I don't want to even think about lathering her.....