What is the Worst Brush you ever used?

Simpson Classic1 Synthetic and an M&F Blonde Badger.

Edit: I forgot about my Vie-Long horse, which was so bad that I had it re-knotted with an TGN 2-band finest; now it's an excellent brush.
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I grabbed a no-name brush from a Turkish market. Maybe boar or horse hair? I'm not too sure what hair it was. What I am sure of, is that über prickly, floppy, stinky brushes that don't lather for love nor money are not my thing.
I have had two brushes that I never used because the knots fell out and disintegrated before I could ... but I've not had a brush that I actually thought was bad. I make no bones about not liking badger, but even a cheap badger I wouldn't call bad because it did the job.

Really pushing this, I'd say it was that Vie-Long mixed horse/boar. Horrid thing. I hated the Vie-Long plain horse because it just wasn't nice at all and tangled on use. The mixed horse/boar already had issues with the handle as it was chipped and the knot was so badly made it had a sharp piece in the knot that caused the whole thing not to work right at all.

Happy end, though ...

The handle went via Erik to Carl, via me to fit a commissioned badger knot in for Carl ... and it looked really nice. I lathered with it in a bowl just to make sure it was sound, not on my face though ... urgh! Carl seemed to like it:

From Vie-Long:

... after I'd messed with it first (on the left):

... and as it was with a new knot when I had fitted Carl's knot:

Meanwhile, I've picked up an Edwin Jagger black fibre which is everything I thought horse would be ... champion brush, that!
Semogue 1460. Only time I ever had brush burn! Horrible, scratchy little bugger that would be best kept for cleaning barbecues. Wasn't keen on my Kent Infinity Silvertex either - floppy as brewers droop and so soft it'd be better used by the ladies (or Vinny at weekends? :p) for make up. No more badger for me either. I would like to try a top synthetic at some point but I'd be happy with the big Omega boar knot till the end of me days....:D
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