Things are starting to get a little crazy...

To legally qualify as "gouging" almost always invariably requires said items to be considered "essential" and wiping your azz is not considered as such. Sure, it makes for happier friends & family to not have dingleberries, but let's face it in that it won't kill you and may even serve as a primitive form of birth control. After all, how long can you hold your breath?

I don't mean to worry anybody but if the government carries on doing little to nothing this is what could happen, Ive also calculated the mortality rate and on the 14th of April there could be over 100,000 dead

On a more positive note, let us take hope from the fact that 70000 people have recovered...

We always keep 3-4 weeks supply of nonperishable foods and paper goods on hand, since we live in an earthquake zone, and a couple days ago we went our local library and checked out about 20 books each. Sure enough, the next day the library system closed for at least the next month.
Crazy indeed - and does not speak well of our society - I'm old enough to remember the Thatcher years - an extension of - greed is good - fuck you - I'm more important than all of us - not an attitude I subscribe to - my partner went today to a superstore Tesco - and the place had been mostly stripped bare - thankfully - where I live - south side of Glasgow - the metro size stores and local corner shops are free of this madness. Possibly an element in this is the local shop keepers aren't going to put up with interlopers - who can't do the pleasantries in Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Kurdish, Roma, Polish, Latvian - to name but a few - I live in the most ethnically diverse postcode in Scotland - of which I am extremely proud. I'm just going to buy what I need - when I need it - as normal. I live in a communal building - a tenement - one front door - nine flats off a common stairwell - we in the low risk category are talking about how to look after our neighbours that might be at greater risk - should the shit hit the fan - we can help each other. I don't get the toilet roll thing? I haven't read at all that a likely outcome of you getting the virus - is that the world is going to fall out your arse - anybody bulk buying toilet roll - self evidently hasn't traveled much off the beaten track - we all have a ready supply of loo paper - at hand - literally - the left one - everybody is washing their hands to an ocd level - so what's the problem? That being said - I am currently sitting on enough base materials to make at least 10 kilos of bar soap - coming to Ebay soon! Joke - previously - second world war for instance - that would have been considered profiteering - and you might have been shot for it. Self isolation? - I fancy that - all I need is twelve bottles of whisky, two crates of diet coke and several kilos of ice. Sorted - job done - catch up on some reading. If it truly goes pear shaped - the meek shall inherit the earth - hopefully - I.
...second world war for instance - that would have been considered profiteering - and you might have been shot for it...


Nobody seems to report how any have recovered. These are dark days where folk are more obsessed with how many are going to die than survive and I don't think it helps.

I know it is a serious matter but we should be looking at it in a more 'We are going to defeat this' than a mortality rate count.