Suggestions on a 2nd razor

NotTheStig said:
No I was trying to speak jock. Can't say that I have. What are they? And how do you pronounce the cone part of scone - like cone or like gone? Wife and I argue on that one!

I too have that argument too NTS! Personally speaking I say Scone (with 'cone' rhyming with 'own'). :)

Potato bread is lubbly jubbly fried - Ormo brand is nice. Serve with Mushroom, eggs (scrambled or fried) and sausages (pork and garden vegetable from local butchers are my fave but the selection is huge and the tomato, beef and onion aren't bad either) :)
geezer said:
NotTheStig said:
No I was trying to speak jock. Can't say that I have. What are they? And how do you pronounce the cone part of scone - like cone or like gone? Wife and I argue on that one!

I too have that argument too NTS! Personally speaking I say Scone (with 'cone' rhyming with 'own'). :)

Potato bread is lubbly jubbly fried - Ormo brand is nice. Serve with Mushroom, eggs (scrambled or fried) and sausages (pork and garden vegetable from local butchers are my fave but the selection is huge and the tomato, beef and onion aren't bad either) :)

it should be pronounced scoone rhyming with moon.
British dictionaries usually show the "con" form as the preferred pronunciation, while recognising that the "cone" form also exists.

Possibly depends where you come from but the two common pronunciations are SKON and SCONE. Neve heard anyone in the UK say skooon. I don't call a phone a fon ;) - that's my mad reasoning but have always heard the above word pronounced that way.

As I say, arguments aplenty but will continue to say scone (like own) :)
Mo, where's ma denner? Ye ken ah go oot wi the boy's oan a Friday! And if you perchance have a dainty little trifle of a scone-rhymes-with-cone, one would be most grateful and really rather excited, dahlings....

Any sort of reasoning in the English language like fon/phone might not work. Do farmer's plough-sounds-like-ploff their field or have a cough-sounds-like-cow in their throat? Naw.

Ach, I'm just a semi-literate cave man of a Scot who don't spoken proper England like what you all does....
Aye, men say scone/gone and burds say scone/moan! Hehehe....

Just you watch, Vinny will say it as scone/own and post a picture of himself in a pinny drinking from a rose pattern china teacup & saucer whist wearing his marigolds. All replete with that big handlebar and he'll still look masculine......:icon_lol:
WiffWaff said:
It'll always be a skon to me. I'll bet the Vikings called it a skon and they were well 'ard

:icon_razz: I'd be careful if I were you we've got some Swedish people in house,don't want to upset them, when the full moon's about the blood lust starts.

Don't whatever you do look at a Viking,'s longboat thinking about pinching it, just advice is all.
I can just picture some Viking warriors sitting down post-battle to a pot of tea and some scones, - do pass the clotted cream Thor, there's a dear.
Debrus said:
its all a matter or personal choice right enough, but i know the locals prefer scoone. it was pointed out to me quite forcefully at the time lol

LOL some people are sort of :mad: about some things aren't they, people never stop to think some times........ "Right I'm in a strange land keep mouth shut and look at the pavement cracks just to make sure eye balling isn't a death sentence in these parts" but no,naturally you carry on like normal and that's when it chips off don't it.

We had a chap at work he went into a kebab shop after a sandwich but they only had rolls he asked the unshaven psycho "ere how big are ya baps then"? The bloke was sharping one of those huge carving knifes at the time and said in return "How fucking big do you want them cock sucker" I don't think he knew what danger he was in.
Gairdner said:
I can just picture some Viking warriors sitting down post-battle to a pot of tea and some scones, - do pass the clotted cream Thor, there's a dear.

Now then, I am a practicing Odinist (NOT the Combat 18 sort), my youngest son is named after the Thunder God and I say it's a scone.

As in stone.


Said it.
My DE journey from my first to my most recent purchase:

1. Merkur 34c HD
2. Gillette Slim Adjustable
3. Gillette Old Type
4. Gillette Ball-end Tech
5. Gillette Fat Tech
6. Gillette New #77/88
7. Gillette Junior Aristocrat
8. Weber Polished

I wouldn't advise where you go next. There are so many options. Have a good read around (use the search function) and see what interests you: vintage vs new, adjustable, open comb, slant... many options to play with.
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