SOTD: Saturday January 28 - Friday 3 February 2023.

It's been awhile since I did it so just going on poor memory but yes I believe a ring the same as the progress.

Pulled apart to take a pic for you and.............Now to fight to get it back in and together......

......And after some fiddling, it's together again and looks better with the brass to me at least. Hope this helps ya !
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Sunday January 29, 2023
Razor: Autostrop A1
Blade: Gem SS
Brush: Sorrentini Clown Puke/Synthetic
Soap: A&E NYC (1508.5)
AS 1: Witch Hazel
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,546

Yesterday was the A2 and today is the A1's turn. My 2 favorite Autostrops by far. I've been hitting this soap harder than every other day since I didn't start the 1508.5 at the beginning of Jan as I should have. Trying to make up for lost time. While there is still a lot of life left in this soap, it has shown it's first sign of weakness......the donut hole has begun........

Maybe some razors have a looser fitting handle and can be pulled apart more easily than others? As I commented in my post I don’t think QC is that good with Yaqi adjustables. Don’t get me wrong I have a few non adjustable Yaqi and they are fine to use.
I know their QC isn't great but they all have the same design and go together the same (and therefore, come apart the same) If I remember correctly @Clouds (member that made the brass handle for me) told me it is tough to pull apart but would come and mine eventually did as I was determined to install my new handle. I'm certain any of these would be the same but you need to take the bull by the horns
SOTD 29-Jan

Brush: DG B15
Soap: M&M Granuaile
Razor: Lambda Athena
Blade: Rubie (1)
Post: M&M Granuaile AS & Solid Cologne

Very nice shave this morning, the Athena popping up on SOTD just made me want to pick it up again. It half slips my mind as I keep it stored in its own box rather than in the cut outs with the rest of them.

Wonderfully smooth and efficient shave, backed up by the acceptable Granuaile. I decided to just use it, it's a decent set but the scent doesn't wow, but I think that is mainly because I try to compare it to NO Plunder, where that one has a much stronger scent. Then there's the solid cologne, again decent but it doesn't have a massive hit, spitfire solid has ruined me for most solid colognes as that one manages to pack in a strong scent alongside a decent lifespan.

Still an excellent shave, hope everyone has a grand one.


Sunday 29 January
Cheap in the razor world doesn’t necessarily mean nasty. Today I pulled out my so far neglected Mercur Futur clone. Cost a fraction of the cost of the Mercur version but looks identical, is very well made and adjusts nicely.
Floris 1730 soap, synthetic brush and RK blade completed the combo.
First pass set 3 wtg, second atg and pick ups on 2. Result smooth and efficient no issues, even after running over a small under chin nick from yesterday without drama.
This would be an excellent starter razor for someone new to wet shaves. I sensed a little blade chatter but it didn’t seriously affected the performance or result. However, if the springs that retain the blade under the cap start to weaken over time (as an every day driver) this might become an issue. Mind you, given its low price ………

@Satanfriendly Arigato Chris San, your gushing and entertaining review of the Athena has made my day, love the box, and the razor is truly a work of art.
Have you got a glass display case for it yet?

Have a fine day fellas !

Nice shave, I need to get my Baby Futur out soon....SNMIRN
Sun 29th January

Alpha Classic G4 28mm
ER Streamline
Gem S/S ( 2 )
Pitralon Classic A/S Lotion

Reached that time of year that the Central Heating starts to dry out my skin , so that Shaving is not always that pleasant.Today making the transition from AC/SE to Vintage so the prospect of a Shave a bit daunting as my skin really dry. I was very cautious and had a really good prewash with Heno de Pravia glycerine soap and used MWF to Shave with. As a result of my prep the Shave was quite comfortable but I did not push for the closest of Shaves.

Sunday, 29 January 2023

PreShave: Warm to hot water—from the tap
Cream: GFT Coconut
Brush: Kent BK8
Bowl: My recycled T&H cream bowl
Razor: Merkur 39C
Blade 7 O’clock Yellow (2)
Post Shave: Alum

Back on the forum after traveling (work purposes) for a couple of weeks. Took my time and the end result was a really nice shave. But travels begin again in another couple of weeks … .
Sun 29
Soap & Aftershave Yaqi Green
Brush Yaqi 24mm Green Mink
Razor Gillette Fatboy F4
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless 2nd
A very nice creamy and slick lather from the soap. It smells wonderful with the matching splash.
Excellent shave with this vintage razor at max setting paired with the excellent blade...3passes for a bbs finish...
29 January

Signature Soaps Danum
Blackland Signature
Blackland Vector
Schick Proline
Signature Soaps Danum splash

A top Sunday shave with the excellent Blackland Vector this morning. Two smooth and comfortable passes with a fabulous Signature Soaps lather and a close shave was the result. Great stuff.
I have one of these Futur clones and really rate it.
Does yours have a noticeably bigger blade gap on one side than the other?
I don't mean on one end of the same side! Then I wouldn't rate it at all!
Sunday 29th January

Soap • Stirling Shadow Orchid
Brush • Yaqi Purple Haze Mew Brown 24mm
Razor • German 37 Slant
Blade • Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Post • Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla ASL

This razor was part of a PIF. My thanks to Ben, @hdb3326 .
Stirling soap was smuggled from the wrong side of the M1 this morning. Cheers Lee, @LeeMaz

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone