SOTD: Saturday January 28 - Friday 3 February 2023.

Here you go. I did the reknot a few months ago.
Monday 30th January

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Hampshire Wool Fat Shaving Soap & Omega Tricolore Pure Bristle
Muhle Rocca Jet & Kleen Shave Premium Stainless (1)
Pashana Original Aftershave

Trialling a couple of blades from Sharp International Products Pvt. Ltd. (much thanks to Cousin Shubs @donnie_arko - cheers buddy) and from a first shave, there nowt to not like about this stainless offering, but it's more Malhotra than SuperMax. Naturally, you should refrain from taking that as the bottom line because the second shave is so often the one that reveals the true character of a blade.

From the off, though, it's sharp (enough) and smooth (enough) ... a perfectly decent, honest stainless blade.


Razor: Feather Artist Club SS Scotch Wood Folding
Blade: Feather Professional Super (2)
Brush: Kent T4 Best
Pre-Shave: Lacura Moisturising Face Wash
Lather: Pre de Provence 63
Aftershave: Shulton Old Spice
Additional Care: Witch Hazel
Fragrance: Molton Brown Tobacco Absolute EDT


Razor: Blackland Era (Level 4 SB)
Blade: Astra SP (2)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm HMW Silvertip
Pre-Shave: Lacura Moisturising Face Wash
Lather: Proraso Green (Refreshing)
Aftershave: Hawkins & Brimble Balm
Additional Care: Witch Hazel
Fragrance: Tobacco Absolute EDT

I didn’t have time to add yesterday’s SOTD so added it today. Both great shaves.

SOTD: 30/01/2023

Razor: Tatara Masamune
Blade: Pol Silver Super Iridium, 3rd use
Brush: Yaqi Napoli
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: PAA Future Fiction Croap
Aftershave: PAA Future Fiction Cologne
Balm: The Inkey List Vitamin B, C And E Moisturiser Balm
Fragrance: PAA Future Fiction EdT

A superb final shave with Masamune with what is still my favourite PAA set.
Prep: Face wash with Simple face wash
Pre: Bart’s Pres-Shave
Razor: Yaqi 70SB on Stando King Polished SS handle
Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp (1)
Brush: Omega 10029
S Soap: OSP – Business Time
Post: OSP – Business Time AS

The razor wasn't quite the star the star of the show. That would be the soap without shadow of a doubt. OSP produces an amazingly slick lather providing lots of cushioning and protection. Not that much protection was needed with the Yaqi 70SB. In comparison with the T7 DS Cosmetic generously loaned by @slapo the Yaqi head feels even milder. If you're after a very close finish this would not be your weapon of choice.
I slowly come to the conclusion that this will not be kept in the den either.

after the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep from yesterday:

D. Corrado open comb/Personna USA made
vintage rebranded butterscotch Simpsons silvertip
J. Peterman '1903' shaving cream
Lucky Tiger after shave
forgot which EdT.....sheesh

This razor's one needing close attention and yesterday was the day and whenever my next shave will be also. Two or three days inna week is plenty. This time zero color in the lather which is a big confidence builder.

The J. Peterman has one of the classiest scents and performs well. Gotta be some oak moss in the mix, which I like. Also, it's loaded with multiple luscious parabens.

BBS results,



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And a Merry Christmas to you as well