SOTD: Saturday 8 July - Friday 14 July 2023.

Prep: Valobra Glicerlanolina Soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: H.L. Thäter 3-band Silvertip Badger
Soap: Zingari Man The Watchman
Razor: Wolfman WR-1
Blade: Vintage NOS German-packaged Wilkinson Sword Light Brigade (15)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Barrister and Mann Terror Aftershave Lotion
Scent: Zingari Man The Watchman Splash

Back in the big smoke - and a wonderful shave!

The soundtrack for this shave was a no-brainer:
'Force of Nature' by Pearl Jam.

"One man stands the edge of the ocean, a beacon on dry land;
Eyes upon the horizon, in the dark before the dawn."
Savonnaire du Moulin
AP Shave Co 24mm Synbad
Mongoose B2
Kai Titan mild #4
Epsilon Mediterranean Blue AS

Quick one pass shave, just a touch-up really. Up early and BBQing beef ribs on the Weber, slow and low, now listening to the cricket on the radio on a sunny morning whilst the ribs finish cooking. Mouth watering already!
Sunday 9 July
The RazoRock Silver Satin Hawk V2 is a superb razor. Today, coupled with Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG blade which has only one or two previous uses it produced probably my best shave of the week. The razor is light but easily manipulated and an absolute delight to use.
Soap and brush combo did the lathering job without fuss. But the star of the show is the razor. I might even venture to say it beats the RazoRock Hawk A, there I’ve said it. I will give the latter another go tomorrow with the same Protouch blade though just to check.
Have a grand day fellas!


Preshave - Pears Transparent Soap
Razor - Fatip Piccolo (OC)
Blade - Shark SS
Brush - Omega Boar
Lather - Cup Of Leftovers
Splash - Proraso Red

Nice, slow comfortable Sunday shave over a cup of coffee. As this new razor is proving to be such a pussy cat I decided to break my usual routine and go for three passes. Very smooth and gentle. No sting from the alum. Lovely!

9 July

Wickham 1912 Club Cola
PAA The Green Ray
Edwin Jagger DE89
Feather Hi-Stainless
Lucky Tiger face tonic

An easy two pass shave this morning. The Green Ray bush is soft, perhaps floppy, but it always creates a wonderful lather with no effort at all. Equally the EJ DE89 is a mild but effective razor with a Feather blade and the Wickham and Lucky Tiger provided the appropriate scents of summertime.
Pre - Droyt's Classic Glycerose Soap
Brush - Semogue SOC TAJ Boar
Soap - Simpson Unscented Cream
Razor - Blackland Brassbird
Blade - Personna Med Prep
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Cedarwood Balm & Argan Oil
A/S - Pinaud Gent's Gin

The Simpson cream whipped up plenty enough for the shave, i always add a bit extra soap when using a Boar brush as i do find they can hog lather for the 2nd and if necessary a 3rd pass. No such problems today.
The Brassbird fitted with a new Med Prep was a dream, as smooth as can be.
2 passes with some touch up on the whirlpools for an easy BBS finish.
It's safe to say i like the Brass version of this iconic razor.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
SOTD 09-Jul

Brush: Dogwood DG B16
Soap: A&E Cha Cha Matcha
Razor: Friodur 17
Post: A&E Cha Cha Matcha AS

Theme for the day, 'Death Before Decaf', either tea or coffee, this is the only eligible one in my den (as far as I am aware), I would love a strong coffee set but I'm not sure where I would get that from. To add to that, the challenge was to shave in a kitchen, I had contemplated trying Wren's but I'm not sure how well it would be received wielding a straight in the middle of the shop, so chickened out and did it at home.

Being fairly tall (6'5“) I couldn't do it over the sink so had to employ the hob and the extractor!

I swear at this point the Mrs is going to measure me up for a straight jacket!

Hope everyone has a grand day.


The only thing stopping this from being a full five star shave was the Shaving Shop scent seems to have diminished a great deal since I opened the aftershave gel tube maybe ten years ago.
I have another one of these which hasn't lost so much smell but not been opened so long.

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Razor: Pearl Flexi V5
Blade: Tiger Superior Stainless (Czech)
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Lather: Derby Shave stick
Aftershave: Taylors of Old Bond Street Shaving Shop
Sunday 9th July

Soap • Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti
Brush • Yaqi Purple Haze Mew Brown
Razor • Razorock Hawk V3
Blade • Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink (4)
Post • Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti Splash

It's a month to the day since I last used my Hawk V3 (I had to sift through my SOTD posts to see how many uses this blade has had)
Compared to shavettes, this razor requires almost zero concentration. I don't think I've ever cut myself with it.
OK, it's not the most exciting or good looking razor, but it does a very good job (although, I still miss the 'A' plate)

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend everyone
Can't wait to get mine. Didn't get quite along with Yaqi Excalibur as it was harsh on the face although it provided quality shaves.

First use of the new base of this soap kindly gifted by Sharon.
Firstly, I love the scent. It’s spicy, heady, exotic and sensuous. I agree with the comment that it smells a little like an incense stick.
This base loads very easily, a 20-30 second load provided enough lather for 3 passes, with plenty left over.
The lather quality is excellent, very dense and cushioning, which in my experience, most vegan soaps lack in comparison to tallow.
The slickness was also very good, it can take a fair bit of water and I will push it further in future. I was left with a nice, residually slick face feel on rinse off.

Very nice, and very happy.

Many thanks again Sharon. This soaps a winner.
Please bring back your Lemon, Basil & Mandarin scent. That was also delightful.

Enjoy yours chaps.